Chapter 14: Arezu

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You barely mange to defeat Ursaluna in battle, calming it. Only one of your Pokémon remain when Calaba walks over, talking to the bear.

"I have a special medicine of the Pearl Clan," She explains. "It'll clear out any poison in a Pokémon's body. If poison's what causing Ursaluna's rage, this is sure to calm him down."

The warden presents the medicine and soon after, Ursaluna calms down. He cries out after taking the medicine as Calaba smiles, happy to see Ursaluna's old self again.

"This is all very strange, though..." She places a hand under her chin.

"He wasn't glowing..." You tell her.

She looks at you, "You're right. When you quelled Kleavor's frenzy, I could see the strange light rising into the sky all the way from here."

Calaba glances back at the bear, "But no strange light erupted from Ursaluna after you defeated him, nor was he glowing.

"That girl from the Diamond Clan, Arezu... Now, why did she of all people find the need to come and tell me about Ursaluna, I wonder?" She asks as her Bibarel and Ursaluna gaze at each other.

"Oh," She whirls around to face you, "Play your Celestica Flute for me, would you?"

You pull out your Flute and begin to play the soft melody. The sound echos around you when you finish playing. Ursaluna softly hollers, listening to the melody and learning the sound of your playing.

Then, he slides a brown plate toward you. You pick it up, examining it before stashing it in your satchel.

"Go report back to your commander and tell him what happened here."

You nod and begin making your way back to Jubilife Village with the Security Corps escorting you back.

Once you arrive in the village, Rei waves to you as you walk up to him. "You're back! Get to the commander's office, quick!"

He runs off and you follow behind him, heading for the hall. You push open the doors and rush up the stairs.

When you go up the final steps leading to Kamado's office, you notice Beni and Adaman standing in front of the commander. Hearing your footsteps, Beni whirls around to face you.

"(Y/n)! We have a situation here!"

Then Adaman turns to you, "Let me explain. Lilligant, our clan's Lady of the Ridge, is in a frenzy... And Arezu knowingly kept this from me!" He scowls.

"I'd like to find out just what Arezu was thinking, but she's nowhere in Jubilife Village." He tells you with anger in his voice.

"Last I saw, she was at the Wallflower, polishing off a big ol' plate of potato mochi." Beni pipes up. "Not that I blame her-my cooking is simply irresistible, after all." He boasts.

Then Kamado's deep voice fills the room, "If Arezu of the Diamond Clan was somehow involved in that situation with the raging Ursaluna of the Pearl Clan, it could lead to the two clans going at each other's throats again!"

The Diamond leader looks at him, "Tell me, Commander. If we do end up in a struggle with the Pearl Clan, what will your people do?"

Kamado turns around, facing away from him. "We would be forced to remain neutral... If we were to show support for one side, it would put us at odds with the other."

Adaman places a hand on his temple, "Right. Of course... After all the work you've put in to get us to treat one another as equals and keep us from fighting... I suppose it's no surprise you'd refuse to intervene if trouble were to break out again."

The Commander clears his throat, turning back around and looking at you, "(Y/n), perhaps you have some idea how we might address this situation?"

Adaman looks at you hopefully as you speak, "I can call Ursaluna."

The Diamond leader's eyes shine, "Ursaluna? So he and Warden Calaba found you worthy? That's perfect, then. Ursaluna should be able to sniff out Arezu, wherever she's gone.

"I'll head to the Mirelands; meet me there when you're ready." He says before leaving.


Once you arrive at Bogbound Camp, Adaman greets you with a smile, "Arezu can't be too far from here. Why don't you call Ursaluna so we can find her."

You nod, pulling out your Flute and playing the beautiful melody as a call for Ursaluna. In mere moments, the Pokémon arrives before you and Adaman.

You climb atop the bear first with some help from the clan leader. Then he hoists himself up, sitting behind you. You grab ahold of the handles provided by the saddle, and Adaman wraps his arms around your stomach to keep himself balanced.

To keep from touching your healing wound, one of his arms grazes your chest, making your cheeks blaze red fast. You wiggle in your seat until you find a comfortable position.

Once you feel Adaman get settled, you nudge Ursaluna to start finding Arezu's scent. He sniffs the ground and finds her scent, running in the direction the trail leads.

You jerk back slightly from the sudden movement but regain your balance as the bear starts running faster. Your (h/c) hair blows into Adaman's face, causing him to lean to the side to know where you're headed.

Ursaluna bolts through the Scarlet Bog, its feet getting muddy and scaring away wild Pokémon. As it goes up the hill past an Onix, you see Arezu sitting on the ground with one leg outstretched.

"There she is!" You shout over the wind, pointing in her direction.

You nudge Ursaluna to slow down and he stops next to Arezu, letting you and Adaman off. Both you and the clan leader rush to her side.

"(Y/n)! Adaman!" Her eyes widen when she spots you both. She begins explaining when Adaman crosses his arms.

"I-I was gathering i-ingredients to make balms... But I-I fell and s-sprained my ankle." Arezu confesses. "The r-reason I went to Jubilife Village w-was to get help for Ursaluna and learn a-about crafting.

"B-but while I was t-there, I bumped into Professor Laventon, a-and he told me about the b-balms you used to q-quell Kleavor. So I t-thought I'd make some for Lilligant using her f-favorite f-foods."

Adaman shakes his head after hearing her explanation, "Well, we'd better take care of our lady and get all this mess resolved first!"

He looks at you, "(Y/n), I'll take the balms Arezu made and meet you at Brava Arena, where Lilligant resides!" The leader then gives Arezu one more disappointing look before rushing off again.

You remain by Arezu, "What about you?" You ask.

"Head to Brava Arena, (Y/n). Arezu will be taken care of. My dear Bibarel and I will make sure she reaches her lady." Calaba's voice announces her presence.

"Besides, I owe her an apology." The Pearl warden smiles warmly at the Diamond warden.

"Thanks, Calaba!" You say before leaving.

Letting Ursaluna leave and calling Wyrdeer, you make your way to Brava Arena. And, a new settlement.

Word Count: 1,187

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