Chapter 50: Official?

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A hand pops in front of your face. You stare at it as though it's a mystical object before grabbing it. The hand pulls you up from the ground and you brush the dirt off your clothes. Glancing up, Adaman and Irida are almost inches from your face, their eyes super big with curiosity. You let out a small yelp and take a few steps back.

"W-what?" You ask, frightened.

"We heard about your boyfriend," Adaman says, crossing his arms.

"Boyfriend?" You blink as heat rushes to your face. "What boyfriend?"

"You know who," Irida pokes at you. Your constant and confused blinking causes her to sigh in defeat. "The merchant."

At this point you're sure your whole face is a tomato. Your palms were sweaty and you gave an awkward laugh. "Oh, what? Volo? Me and him? Oh no, you've got it all wrong,"

Your defense wasn't a bit convincing. The two leaders gave each other knowing looks. You drop your act and clear your throat, "Why would you think that?"

"Come on!" Adaman throws his arms in the air. "We can all see how much you two like each other!"

You bite your lip, unable to make something up. But what if what he said was true? Did Volo really like you?

"I don't know what you're talking about," You glance around the village, hoping no one was hearing this conversation.

"Of course you d-"

"I heard you got in a small fight, though," Irida glares at Adaman, shutting him up. "What happened?"

"Something to do with a deity," You shrug, fiddling with your thumbs, not exactly wanting to recall your argument and how he was yelling at you. You run your hands down your clothes until you notice something missing: your Arc Phone.

You freeze, your face turning snow white. Adaman and Irida notice and ask if you're alright. You shake your head, "My Arc Phone..."

Immediately understanding, Irida searches the immediate vicinity. She wacks the Diamond Clan leader and he starts to look. You can't remember where you dropped it but you know it's Adaman's fault for knocking into you.

You hear a familiar buzz and whip your head in the direction. Turning around a corner, the Arc Phone laid on one home's back porch. Sighing in relief, you walk to grab it but instead get your wrist snatched. The hand turns you around before pulling you against something hard.

"Be careful with your stuff. Wouldn't want it getting stolen," A voice whispers in your ear, the breath snaking down your spine.

"What are you doing here?" You spit out, doing your best to sound angry.

"Don't like me being around anymore?"

"Not after what you said to me."

"I got carried away-"

"It still came from your mouth."

You got spun around before both wrists are encased in a divine grip. You blow a stray strand of hair away before locking eyes with the person Adaman and Irida are certain you like. He smiles charmingly as though nothing was wrong. Seeing that smile makes your heart clench.

"Anyway, you need to keep watch on your belongings." Volo says, leaning closer to your flustered face.

You look away, unable to contain your emotions for such a person. You are supposed to be mad at him, yet seeing him makes your mind go blank. "If Adaman hadn't bumped into me, I wouldn't have dropped it."

Hearing the Diamond leader's name come off your lips makes his teeth grit. You face him, "So it wasn't my fault."

Volo frees your wrists before crossing his arms, "What did he want?" He demands with a whole new demeanor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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