Chapter 2: Jubilife Village

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The Professor and you walk up to the gate of the village. One of the guards stationed at the gate comes up to the Professor with his right hand up, motioning you both to stop. "Who's this you've brought Professor?"

Laventon explains who you are and how you helped him catch his runaway Pokémon. The guard nods, letting you both into the village. You begin to walk after the Professor but stop, taking in the village. It isn't very big, but there are small houses going the sides of the path. There is a big building across the village from where you stand. People walk along and chat with one another. You walk up to the Professor and you both begin walking through the village. Laventon was talking to you about how the people in the village don't trust Pokémon, while the villagers are taking about you in loud whispers.

"Now, that impressive building up ahead is Galaxy Hall," Laventon tells you, still walking until he stops before a small bridge over a small ravine. He quickly turns around to face you. "I have to go and report that we successfully recovered the runway Pokémon. Go wait for me at the canteen. It's called the Wallflower and it's just around the corner there!" He points to the sign on the corner and quickly sprints off towards the Galaxy Hall.

Then your Arc Phone begins to beep as soon as he leaves. "What is it now?" You ask yourself, pulling your Arc Phone out. It shows a map of Jubilife Village and the whole region. "Well, that's helpful!" You say with a smile, putting it away and walking to the Wallflower.

You crosses the bridge and take a left, arriving at the canteen. You don't see the Professor anywhere but you do see an older-looking man.

He turns his head towards you and narrows his eyes. "Well, aren't you suspicious?"

"Pardon?" You ask, your voice showing the confusion you have. You have no idea why he said that.

"Your clothes are unusual and you're not part of the Galaxy Team!" I only serve the Galaxy Team here so move along!" The older-looking man practically shouts at you. He angrily turns around and storms into the small restaurant.

There is a picnic table with cushions on the benches and an umbrella in between the shop and the table, covering the table from the sun. "Don't know how long until Laventon comes back so I guess I'll sit down." You mumble to yourself. You turn and take a step before a voice stops you.

"Who are you and what are you wearing!?" You turn around to look at the stranger. The boy walking towards you looks to be the same age as you. Your eyes scan his outfit and thought it was pretty cool looking.

He stops before you, looking you in the eyes. "A Pokémon could easily cut through those flimsy clothes of yours!" The boy's face was serious as he gestures to your clothes. The he asks you, "How did you get into the village? Not everyone gets in wearing something like that! Did someone help you get into the village?"

"I met Professor Laventon and he brought me here. I came from Prelude Beach." You explain to him.

"The Professor lost three Pokémon who supposedly ran towards Prelude Beach," The boy says, looking you in the eyes. "Did you help recover the Pokémon?"

Before you can answer, you hear Laventon's voice. "Yes she did, Rei. If the Pokémon didn't run to Prelude Beach, I never would have found (y/n) there." Laventon stands behind Rei, surprising him when the boy turns around.

"Oh! Professor!!" Rei exclaims, his eyes wide and his mouth open.

Laventon then stands next to you, explaining everything to Rei. He tells the boy your mission from your Arc Phone and how it will help them with the Pokédex.

"Wait wait. So...she's going to join the Survey Corps?" Rei asks as he looks between you and the Professor. "Is this a good idea? I mean, she did just randomly appear on the beach, not knowing where she was." He's about to continue before a female voice interrupts him.

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