Chapter 9: The Heartwood

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You gasp, a smile forming on your face. You turn around, facing Volo who was standing in front of you.

He holds his hand out to you. "I have some Super Potions just for you!"

You hold your hand out and Volo places the Super Potions in your palm. His fingers graze your palm and a spark runs through your hand and arm. You ignore it and stuff them into your satchel, smiling at him.

"Thank you Volo! That's very kind!" You say, kindness clearly heard in your tone.

Your (e/c) eyes meet his steel gray one. "Supporting you is actually an investment in my own fortunes!" He replies.

"And now I must depart! There are ruins that are just calling to me!" He bids you farewell and you both go separate ways.


After half an hour of making it through the Nature's Pantry filled with wild Pokémon and an alpha Bibarel at the dam, you arrive at the Grandtree Arena. A young Pearl Clan boy stands before the arena.

He curls his hands into fists and placed them on his hips. "I'm Lian of the Pearl Clan. The warden of Kleavor, Lord of the Woods."

He hangs his arms down at his sides, "And you-I've already guessed that you've come to meet Kleavor, right?

"I can see it so clearly. After all, the powerfully Kleavor has become even more awesomely powerful!" Lian brags. "Perhaps that strange lightning the other day was almighty Sinnoh's divine power... Well whatever it was, it struck my lord and left him imbued with awesome might!

"So I must turn you away. It's too dangerous for you to meet Kleavor right now."

"But I can try to do something about this!" You state.

His eyes widen and his mouth opens in shock at your persistence. "Such deaire to meet mighty Kleavor! I have to admit I'm struck by your passion..."

He shakes his head, "But, well... I'm afraid your passion is not the real issue here... I've been told by Irida to let no one near Kleavor!"

You scoff, "What're you going to do?" You playfully tease, not meaning any judgement.

Lian drags you to a smaller arena beside the Grandtree Arena. He lets his Pokémon, Goomy, free. You send Luxio, Shinx's evolution, out to battle Lian's Pokémon.

Luxio's battle experience is higher than Goomy's so it doesn't take you very long to defeat the Pokémon thanks to Luxio's strength. You make your way back to where you met Lian.

He hangs his head in defeat. "H-how can this be..." He looks up at you. "Although I was defeated, my point still stands. It's too dangerous to meet Kleavor now. He will only welcome you with a flurry of devastating blows."

Lian gestures behind him to a small alter. "Normally, I'd make him an offering..." He elaborates. "I make him an offering of his favorite food and it's usually enough to please him and soothe the prickliest of moods..."

Your face drops with sympathy as Lian hangs his head. "But even I can't get close enough to give him any offerings. I don't think there's anything an outsider can do either."

"The ancestors of Kleavor, Wyrdeer, and their cohort drew on almighty Sinnoh's own power to protect Pokémon and people alike-so it's said." A voice is heard behind you.

Irida steps beside Lian, "It's by their grace that our clan-that any of us-still lives in vast Hisui today!"

"Irida? What are you doing here?" Lian asks.

She looks at him, "As you say, Kleavor's grown even stronger, but I'm afraid that strength poses a problem for us."

Irida sighs, "Kleavor means so much to our clan. I'd hoped we could bring this situation under control ourselves, not throw our hands up and ask some outsider for help."

You furrow your brows at her doubt in you. She clasps her hands together. "But we must save Kleavor from this frenzy. If more people and Pokémon are attacked, it will lead to conflict with both the Diamond Clan and the Galaxy Team."

Lian points to you, "You! Stranger from beyond the sky! Could you Galaxy people actually fix all this? Can you actually find a way to quell our lord's frenzy?"

"Laventon will come up with an idea." You explain.

Irida's mood lifts at your words. "Very well! Lian and I will gather foods that please Kleavor, in hopes that we might be able to get close enough to make him a proper offering.

"Hurry to your Professor Laventon quickly so we can quell Kleavor's frenzy!"

"On it!" You turn around and begin walking back to the Heights Camp.

Your Arc Phone begins beeping and a message is displayed on the screen. The message tells you how its power can help you get to base camps faster. You smile at the idea and press the Heights Camp on your map.

Somehow, the Arc Phone moves you to the camp. You stroll over to Professor Laventon and tell him the details you got about Kleavor. Laventon brings you to his lab with him.

He takes the information of Pokémon from your trip to the Heartwood and writes it down in your Pokédex for you. He also gives you more money as a reward.


You explain to Laventon and Rei what you need them to do. The Professor searches through his research notes for ideas. After five minutes, he shouts for joy at finding something.

He shares the idea of throwing the food at Kleavor. You agree to the idea since your a very good thrower and hurry to the Front Gate.

You are greeted by Mai at the gate and she tells you to follow her to the Heights Camp. You both arrive at the camp and are greeted by Adaman and Wyrdeer.

"I spoke to Wyrdeer about what's been going on. I told him how you've been running all over the Obsidian Fieldlands to find a way to quell Kleavor's frenzy." Adaman explains, gesturing to the white deer.

"And hearing how you're an outsider who's doing this for the safety of Hisui, the people, and the Pokémon... Well, you can see how he responded!" The Diamond leader smiles.

Mai speaks, "Wyrdeer's found you worthy, you see. Which means you'll need a flute like we have." She takes out a white flute, showing it to you.

"Where do I get one?" You ask, reaching for it but Mai pulls it out of your reach.

Adaman reaches behind him, taking out a flute. "Here, you can have mine. I don't use it anyway...I'm not very good at playing the flute."

Your lips slightly part at he hands you his flute. "Listen well to Mai's playing." He instructs.

Mai plays a tune on her flute and you copy it on yours. Wyrdeer makes a sound at Mai's tune and then learns the sound of yours.

The deer-like Pokémon gives you a pink plate. You open your satchel and place the plate in it.

"With Wyrdeer, you can gallop across the Fieldlands in no time!" The clan leader explains with a smile.

A seat is laid upon Wyrdeer's back for you to sit on as you ride the Pokémon across the fields. You go to Wyrdeer's side and try getting on. You're a bit too short to get on the Pokémon by yourself.

Your cheeks burn as you ask Adaman for help. He chuckles and puts his hands on your waist, hoisting you up onto Wyrdeer's back. You turn the Pokémon to face the direction of the Heartwood.

"T-thanks Adaman." You say, your voice shaking but it's not noticeable to anyone but you. Your cheeks begin to cool down from the contact with Adaman.

"No problem (y/n). See you later and good luck!" He and Mai walk off as he bids you goodbye.

You take a deep breath and direct Wyrdeer to the Heartwood, ready to quell Kleavor's frenzy.

Word Count: 1,328

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