Chapter 18: Firespit Island

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Making small conversations with Iscan about Basculegion, a new voice is heard, "Hello Iscan."

You both turn your heads to find Palina walking in your direction. Iscan gasps as his eyes widen when they see her figure.

He shakes his head, "O-oh, Palina! I...I thought you said we shouldn't be seen together?"

She clasps her hands together, "I'm sure (Y/n) can keep a secret."

"I sure can!" You beam as Iscan pulls out his own Celestica Flute and plays it.

Ripples form in the water and larger waves wash ashore. You all step back in order to stay dry as a Pokémon emerges from the under the water: Basculegion.

You take the goop of food and give it to the creature. When Iscan instructs you to play your Flute, you do. Basculegion splashes before a blue plate washes ashore in front of him.

You bend over and pick it up, storing it with the other collectibles. Then you turn around and Iscan takes a deep breath.

"Palina... Do you want to tell her?" You blink as she nods.

"During the incident with the late lord, Iscan and Basculegion saved my life as well. Since then, I've felt much affection for Iscan. I truly adore him..." She admits.

"W-well, I was just doing what any decent person would do when I saved you..." The Diamond warden says nervously.

Palina glances at the two Growlithes, "Perhaps. But after that day, I found the strength to accept Growlithe how he is and not force him to become the next lord."

"Ah... Perhaps we should save this discussion for another time." Iscan says and Palina giggles.

You smile at their close relationship but your mood disintegrates. "We're the Miss Fortune Sisters, known across the frigid land of Hisui-and your luck's just run out!"

You curse under your breath and turn around in a defensive stance. "What do you want?" You grit your teeth.

"Get ready to hand over that Growlithe!" Charm shouts.

"You want to partner?" Palina asks, sounding offended.

Charm closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before announcing, "Now Gengar!"

Gasping, you turn around to find Gengar behind the two Growlithes. The Pokémon lets out a deep scream, piercing your ears. You close your eyes and cover your ears.

When you open your (e/c) eyes again, the larger Growlithe no longer stands next to the smaller one. Turning back, Gengar stands protectively in front of the bandits and Growlithe.

"Thanks for the Growlithe, fools!" Clover smirks. "Don't worry-we'll make sure this pup grows up nice 'n' strong. We'll even make him a lord for ya!"

"Let's take the mutt to our camp and get to work. No one will bother us in a place so miserably hot." Coin states.

Gengar lets out another scream as the three throw smoke bombs to the ground and disappear from sight. You search the vicinity as Palina yells in agony.

After getting instructions from Iscan on how to ride Basculegion and being asked for help from Palina, you ride across the bay to the island. As the salty ocean breeze tosses your (h/c) hair around, your speed dwindles.

Approaching the island, you hop off Basculegion and start for the entrance. Noticing the Diamond warden standing to the side, you rush over to him.

"Iscan! I'm here!" You shout and wave as you run.

He turns and greets you, "Whew, it's certainly hot enough to feel like a sweat bath, isn't it?"

A whiff of hot air caresses your skin, making you feel like melting wax on a candle.

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