Chapter 40: Temple of Sinnoh

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This one's a little different from the game. Wanted to change it up, make it a little less predictable. Hope you like my addition! <3

Your battle with Beni kept going on and on, with no clear victor. Your Garchomp was exhausted from defeating almost all of his Pokémon, except for one: Gallade. Beni’s Gallade had wiped out nearly all of your Pokémon. The only one remaining was your ace, but he was too exhausted to have full strength. Gallade, on the other hand, seemed to gain more energy. 

While Garchomp was getting drowsy and Gallade was picking up the pace, you had a hard time staying conscious. The wound on your upper arm lost blood quickly, making you dizzy. Your breathing had hastened as you forced your body to remain conscious while in battle. But you were soon going down. You couldn’t handle the major loss of blood.

A final time, you order your partner to attack Beni’s Gallade before dropping on your knees, your vision blurring. You glance to where your hand is covering the cut and hesitantly remove it. Your hand shakes as you turn your palm so you can see it soaked in your crimson blood. Your arm was completely covered in blood at this point and the cut was still bleeding.

Before you can cover it back up, the ground shakes before you. You catch yourself before face-planting and look up to see that your Pokémon collapsed on the ground, his eyes closed. Tears form in your already blurry eyes as Beni approaches. He kneels down and places a hand under your chin, forcing you to look up at him. 

“You already lost before you stepped foot in here,” He smirks underneath his mask. You rip your chin out of his grip and glance at your partner. You can feel yourself getting weaker by the second. If only you could return your Garchomp to its Poké Ball…

But Beni swipes the Poké Ball you try retrieving from your satchel. He smiles, his emotion unclear to you before ultimately returning Garchomp to its ball. He leans down in front of you and whispers, “I’m sorry for what’s to come, but I wanted you gone. It’s all for Kamado’s plan, (Y/n). Don’t ruin it.”

With that, he hits you on the head with something unbeknownst to you. You feel your consciousness slip away, seeing only blackness.


Volo’s POV - 3rd Person

Upon entering the cave, Volo heard grunts of struggle. Walking further to where the cave was leveled evenly, he saw (Y/n)’s unconscious body being lifted. He didn’t recognize the one holding her; the person wore an outfit that resembled a ninja. He had never come across someone dressed like a ninja during his merchant travels. Who was this?

Volo kept out of the person’s sight as they hooked their arms under (Y/n)’s legs and body, holding her in a sloppy version of bridal style. As the ninja turned back to the other cave opening, Volo caught sight of blood running down her left arm, and not just some, but a bunch! Her right hand was soaked in her blood and his face turned into anger when he saw where it was all coming from.

Her left upper arm had a deep cut in it, with blood still seeping out. Although it wasn’t, there was enough blood for her whole arm to be covered red. Drops of blood fell to the cave floor as the ninja walked to the cave mouth opposite the one Volo came through. The blond merchant narrowed his eyes, waiting to follow them.

When both figures were out of the cave, Volo’s palms curled into fists and steam could almost be seen coming from his ears. Who was that and why did they hurt (Y/n)? Did they do it on purpose? His grey eyes were full of rage. Then he remembered.

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