Chapter 15: Lilligant, Lady of the Ridge

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Coasting through the Scarlet Bog again, you spot a new path: Bolderoll Slope. You direct Wyrdeer to the path and start following the trail. The sun slips below the horizon as you spot torches.

Following the trail of torches, you come across a new settlement. A young man stands at the entrance and you make out the Diamond Clan symbol on his shirt.

He waves to you as Wyrdeer comes to a halt, "Welcome to the Diamond Clan Settlement. What brings you here?" He asks, eyeing your Galaxy uniform.

"I'm heading to Brava Arena, and this so happens to be on the way there." You explain, glancing around the settlement.

"Oh, are you that Galaxy personnel Adaman was talking about?" You nod for an answer. "He said you would pass through here on your way to quell Lilligant. Anyway, Brava Arena is that way."

He turns and points to your left, "You'll pass through Diamond Heath and Cloudpool Ridge on the way to Lilligant's seat."

"Thank you very much!" You reply, nudging Wyrdeer to continue the journey to the arena.

You weave your way through the Diamond Heath and Cloudpool Ridge. You sneak past the alpha Roserade scouting the area before walking up the steps to Lilligant's seat, where Adaman is waiting.

When his warm brown eyes see your figure, his eyes shine. "You've come! I take it that means you're ready?" He asks to be sure.

You slide off of Wyrdeer and bid him farewell before turning to the leader. "Yep!" You say, twisting your torso as a way of stretching.

Adaman closes his eyes and smiles, "Lady Lilligant's a sight to see, even in her frenzy. Behold her, and be grateful."

You bite the inside of your cheek as you hear a familiar voice, "I hope we didn't keep you waiting."

You stand beside Adaman and look down the steps, watching Calaba and Arezu make their way to you.

"All it took was one of my poultices to get Arezu's leg all patched up." The Pearl Warden states, looking at Arezu.

Adaman exhales, "Calaba, ma'am. I'm deeply sorry we've had to lean on your help so much-especially since we're from different clans." He apologizes.

She shakes her head, "There's no need. Arezu tried to solve the whole situation herself. I daresay she bit off more than she could chew and caused some trouble, but her heart was in the right place."

Arezu suddenly leans toward you, "Listen! The Lady of the Ridge is like a dancer-always in motion, always darting about. Watch her real close and dodge at the right time!" She exclaims.

The Diamond leader turns to you, "That's right. If you keep on dodging, she might get tired out-and that'll be your opening! Bring out your Pokémon and prove your might when that happens. Don't let me down!"

You meet his eyes and shrug, "What could go wrong?" You say playfully.

He narrows his brown eyes at you and you sigh, knowing exactly what he's implying. You take a deep breath and advance toward Lilligant's arena.

Light fog covers the ground as you make your way to the center. Suddenly a violent wind billows toward you, causing you to block your face with your arms and your (h/c) hair goes flying.

Then the wind dies down and your
(e/c) eyes spot a glowing figure: Lilligant. She twirls around on the ledge she's on before jumping in front of you, starting the battle.

You immediately begin to throw balms her way as she hops in place. Then she lifts into the air before plummeting to the ground, sending shockwaves.

Your heart pounds as you dodge her jumps and shockwaves. After three jumps in a row, Lilligant stands in place for a few moments, enough for you to throw more balms.

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