Chapter 25: Cold?

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After successfully quelling the second to last noble, you receive the Zap Plate from Electrode. Then you're joined by both Diamond Clan members.

"Oh, for shame! What utter calamity..." Melli dramtically emerges with Adaman. He falls to his knees, "I agreed to make those accursed balms, yes... But now that almighty Sinnoh's precious blessing has vanished's just so unbearably sad!"

Adaman shakes his head, amsued by the warden's words, "Is that how you see it? Electrode looks relieved to me. Glad its suffering's ended, probably."

"All your preaching doesn't ruffle me one bit, but if almighty Sinnoh grows angry with me because of this...I don't know what I'll do!" The warden replies, standing up with a glum face.

Just then, Ingo appears out of Arceus knows where, and talks about remembering his world before he came to Hisui. Adaman asks you if the world you remember was the same. Was it?

"Oh! Once again, the brilliant Warden Melli has realized something rather clever!"

You groan as he continues, "It's not just my Pokémon that need to be stronger- it's me as well! The greater my valor and might, the more my Pokémon can reach their potential!"

"Great observation," You mumble quietly.

"I wonder if almighty Sinnoh will be pleased once I've achieved exactly that?" Melli questions.

"Please, all of you, do your best and run toward the destination- an even higher state! Of course, your "higher state" is clear, (Y/n). If surely lies with the next lord!" Ingo addresses you.

"Perhaps with someone like (Y/n) to show that Pokémon need not be feared, the people of Hisui will find new tracks forward," He pauses. "Now, begging your pardon, I owe Commander Kamado my report. Until next time, (Y/n)."

Ingo turns on his heels and leaves Moonview Arena. Adaman stuffs a hand in a pocket and places the other on his hip, "Can we find a way to honor our past while also forging a better future?

"Maybe that's what almighty Sinnoh really wants from us. After all, it rules over all time...and created everything there is."

"Be ready to shield your eyes, Galaxy grunt! I'm going to polish up both myself and Electrode until our strength and brilliance are blinding!" Melli blurts out.

"Whatever," You answer, walking out of the arena and pulling out your Arc Phone. "Take me to the Highlands Camp," You say, pressing the location on your map.

Almost instantly, you're at the Highlands Camp in front of Laventon. You put the phone away and show your progress to the Professor.

"I was informed that you quelled Electrode, so off to the village we go!" Laventon exclaims, leading the way back to Jubilife Village with a Security guard in tow.


"Hrmmm... So Warden Melli believes that the frenzies of these Pokémon are some sort of trial set by almighty Sinnoh..." Kamado concludes. "We cannot know if that is the case or not, but it does beg the question: Whyever would this "almighty Sinnoh" drive the nobles to frenzy?

"Is it angered by something? Or does it seek to drive a wedge between people and Pokémon? Well, far be it from us humans to fathom the thoughts of Pokémon... And what is that space-time rift, anyway? What caused it to open...?" He continues rambling on.

"Hrrrm. But you must be hungry and tired. Go on, then- to the Wallflower. Get some rest while you can." He dismisses you.

"Thank you," You say quietly, leaving his office. As you head downstairs, your stomach grumbles so loud that you were sure every Pokémon in Hisui could hear it.

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