Chapter 17: Dusclops

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Stopping in front of him, you hear the voice you're beginning to love, "Hello Miss (Y/n). Great to see you out here! I'm on the hunt for some plates, but how is your plate hunting going?"

You're about to speak but stop. '...How does he know I have plates?'

You squint at him, "How do you know I have plates?" You ask, suspicious of him.

Volo brings his hands up defensively, "I saw you had plates in your satchel. I guessed that you got them from nobles?" He asks.

You squint, still a bit suspicious of him, "Yes... I did get them from nobles..." You trail off.

"Great, then how many do you have so far?" He asks, curious.

You want to ask him more about the plates but something tells you to not.

So you rummage through your memory as you count on your fingers, "I've found four so far."

He brings a hand to his chin, "The way you've been collecting the reminds me of the hero of old."

You raise an eyebrow, causing him to further explain, "The one that's said to have battled against almighty Sinnoh."

"That reminds you of me?" You ask.

Volo shakes his pointer at you, "Why yes! If you manage to find and collect all of the plates, perhaps you'll battle almighty Sinnoh just like the hero of old did! In that case, let's both do our best to find more."

"I'm trying my best." You slightly puff your chest out to make your words sound more serious.

You catch a hint of worry flash across his eyes when he speaks, "But please, don't overwhelm yourself. I'd hate for something to happen to one of our guild's loyal customers!" Volo quickly adds.

You nod, smiling, "Of course."

Hearing your response, he takes his leave and you continue toward the little tent situated at the top of the hill. It sits alone with only a small pot over a fire sitting in front of the home.

You move to the front door and gently knock on the wooden door. "Hello?"

You hear a shuffling noise followed by a male voice, " I have a visitor?"


"I-I'll be right out... Give me a moment..."

You back away from the door and a man emerges from the tent within a couple of minutes.

"I'm Iscan of...of the Diamond Clan..." He introduces. "A Galaxy Team member...with a Celestica Flute? O-oh. You must be (Y/n), right?"

"That's right." You give him a friendly smile, sensing his nervousness.

"Sudden visits give me quite the shock... I do hope you'll give me an advanced notice in the future." He rubs his head, "So, um...why are you here?"

"I need to get to Firespit Island. I was told to come to you for help on how to get there." You explain nonchalantly.

"Then you'd probably need Basculegion's favorite snack. That should help him warm up to you. I have the right materials, but..." Iscan trails off.

"But..." You urge him to continue.

The warden shakes his head, "Well, you see, this next part is something I could never manage, but you need to catch this one Pokémon that appears at night..."

"And that is...?" You wait patiently.

"It's D... D... Dus... Dusclops..." He shivers. "Oooh, even saying its name fills me with dread..."

"Got it!"

"W-wow. Is everyone in the Galaxy Team like you? Your nerves aren't just steel... They're...titanium.

"Anyway, the Pokémon I need only has one eye and can be found wandering around Deadwood Haunt... That area looks like a hand on your map and you know you're there when you find the wrecked boats..."

Iscan glances at the sun, then back at you, "Would...would you like to wait here until night?" He genuinely asks.

"Sure!" You say cheerfully.

Opening the door for you, you stay in the tent with Iscan until nightfall. Once the moon is bright in the night sky, you begin your short journey to Deadwood Haunt.

After dodging wild Pokémon attacks, you squint, seeing a damaged boat in the distance. You dodge a Dustox's attack and run to the boat. You stand by the side of it with your hands resting on the wood.

A deep, sinister growl rises through the air and you extend your neck around the boat in hopes of finding the source. A Dusclops stands in the middle of the grassy area with multiple Duskulls in the vicinity.

You roll into the grass beside you, causing the Pokémon to perk up. You control your steady breathing as they look your way before turning back around. You quickly craft a few Great Balls before throwing one at the Dusclops.

The Pokémon is sucked in and the ball bounces around. But Dusclops manages to escape and you curse under your breath. It turns its back to you and you take this opening by throwing at its back, granting you a higher chance of succeeding.

The Great Ball bounces a couple of times before ultimately clicking. You smile and make a break for the ball. All Duskulls shriek upon your sudden appearance and float over to you.

Before they attack, you grab the Poké Ball and rush out of there. But instead of heading back toward Iscan, you stand before a woman frantically looking around.

She notices you and immediately begs for help, "Please help me find Yorrich! We were supposed to meet here to set up another base camp for the Survey Corps but he's nowhere to be found! Please find him!"

You hold your hands out in front of you, "Don't worry, don't worry. I'll find him for you."

You scan the beach and make out a figure on the farthest line of sand. You stroll over to find a Construction Corps member trembling in fear before a Chatot. You shoo the Pokémon away and assure the man of his safety.

He stands up straight and thanks you before heading back to the woman with you. The lady thanks you more times than necessary and Yorrich sets up the Coastlands Camp.

Once he's finished, the basecamp is like all the others: Laventon, a tent, a chest, a crafting table, and a Security Corps guard. Adding a Dusclops to your party, you head back to Iscan.


"You really brought it...? N-no! Don't bring it out!" The Diamond warden exclaims when you hold out the Poké Ball.

"Usually I, um, ask Palina if the Growlithe she takes care of can help me with this bit. But this time, you need to help since... Well, since we're making this snack so Basculegion can assist you with getting to Firespit Island." He rubs the back of his head at the mention of Palina.

"O-once I give the signal, you...have the "dust bops" of yours use its Dark Pulse..." He says and you nod, gathering around the fire.

The Diamond warden sets down the food in the pot atop the fire as you release Dusclops. Iscan counts down to one but before saying "go," he trembles.

"Waugh! No! It's too frightening!"

You glance over at him, "Come on-try again." You speak calmly, holding in a burst of anger.

"Let's just simply have you do it when I say go..." He waits a few seconds before saying "And...go!"

Dusclops uses Dark Pulse, striking the pot. A delicious aroma fills the air-the snack is ready! You grab some and form it into a Ball.

"Let us make for Gingko Landing. We can summon Basculegion there..." Iscan informs.

Word Count: 1,270

Next chapter will be up later today

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