| Extra | Day 2

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You wake up to the delicious aroma of food. Your (e/c) eyes flutter open and you glance to the kitchen. The Guild merchant is making breakfast.

You groan as you sit up, causing enough noise to catch his attention. He continues to make breakfast as if you aren't even there. You stretch out your arms before getting to your feet.

Slowly walking over, you stand beside him, watching him finish preparing the food. Not saying a word, Volo hands you a plate with breakfast served.

You frown, taking the plate. "Is everything okay?"

He exhales, "Yeah...just business is going to plummet..." He lies.

You look down at your food not knowing what to say, then sit down against the wall by the dresser. You begin eating but notice Volo standing by the counter, eating with a glum look.

You finish at the same time he does. He sets his plate down and walks over to you, getting yours. Before he turns away, you grab his hand.

Volo snaps his head back to you, his eyes flickering between your (e/c) eyes and your hand.

You clear your throat, "Go out and sell some of your wares. I don't want your business to suffer because you're looking after me."

The blond shakes his head, "I can't; I am responsible for watching you."

"I'll be fine by myself until you get
ba—" Your sentence is cut off by the front door opening.

You snatch your hand away from the surprise. You both turn to the door, seeing Rei standing in the doorway. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding when you realize who it is.

Your cheeks are dusted in light pink,  "Hi Rei! What brings you here?"

He takes a step inside as Volo moves to set the plate on the counter. "I just thought I could stop by and see how you're doing." He moves over to you and crouches. "So, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing well! I can move around without it hurting or bleeding too much!" You say cheerfully, hoping to lighten the mood. "Did you hear me call out to you yesterday?"

Rei tilts his head, "No... You did?"

"I did." You say in sync with Volo's "She did."

You both turn to Volo as he dries the plates and stows them away. "Because you walked away from her, her wound reopened and bled more." Volo spits out.

"No, I—" You start.

"So you're telling me it's my fault her wound reopened?" Rei questions, standing up.


"Possibly. I mean, if you had heard her then she might be in a better condition."

"Well, sorry I already had plans with Zisu to help me with my battling! Besides, why weren't you with her?"

"STOP!" You shout.

Both men turn to you as you point at Volo, "I was the one who decided to go out and try and talk to Rei."

Then you point to Rei, "And Volo wasn't with me because he was shopping for food."

You sigh heavily and fold your hands together, "Now," You look at Volo, "Since your business is suffering because of your watch over me, Rei will stay here until you come back if I need help."

The merchant glares daggers at Rei before taking his backpack and pulling it onto his back. "Fine, but I'll be back soon."

He brings two fingers to his eyes before pointing them at Rei. You sense awful tension between them, so you stand and walk over to Volo. Opening the door, you push him through.

Forever Loved (Volo x FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now