Chapter 10: Kleavor, Lord of the Woods

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You catch a few Pokémon before actually making it back to Grandtree Arena. The sun is beginning to rise as you meet up with Lian in front of the arena. He places his fists on his hips.

"So what's the idea you Galaxy people have come up with?" The Pearl Clan warden asks.

"We make the food into balls and I'll throw them at him." You say calmly.

A shocked expression makes its way onto his face. "Well, that's quite an approach... You Galaxy people..." He says in awe. "Your inventiveness just blows me away!"

You smile at him, "Yep! Now we can make the offering to Kleavor from a safe distance."

Lian touches the brim of his hat with his left hand. "I'll lend you my aid if it means we can provide Kleavor with his offering. Let's begin at once!"

"Hold on, Lian! Don't get ahead of yourself." Irida responds, walking up to you two.

"Whatever the plan is, you'll need Kleavor's favorite Plump Beans. I've brought them, as promised." She hands Lian the beans.

He takes the beans and rubs the back of his neck with his free hand. "Ah, that's right! My apologies, Irida-I'd forgotten all about you!"

The Pearl leader places a hand on his back. "I admit, as we haven't been able to solve this ourselves, we seem to have little choice but to turn to the Galaxy Team."

She sighs, "But even I still have my doubts about whether we should entrust such a thing to an outsider."

You cross your arms, annoyed by how much she doesn't trust you yet. You blow a piece of (h/c) hair from your face as they keep talking.

Suddenly, Irida turns to you in a battle stance. "Prove to me that you're worthy to stand in the presence of our noble, (y/n)!"

You walk with Irida to the smaller battle arena where you defeated Lian before. Lian follows, wanting to watch the battle between you and his leader.

Irida talks about how she and her partner have been very close to one another as you arrive at the arena. She takes the farther side and Glaceon suddenly appears beside her.

Glaceon walks to the center of the arena, ready to battle. You smirk, knowing that the Eevee evolution was an Ice-Type. You send out Cyndaquil, knowing this is going to be an easy win since yours is a Fire-Type.

You instruct your Pokémon to use ember. The Fire-Type move deals significant damage to the opposing Pokémon. Glaceon uses quick attack twice, but it doesn't deal much damage to Cyndaquil.

You remember the different styles of battling moves. "Cyndaquil, use strong ember!" You point to the Eeveelution. Cyndaquil uses the strong move and Glaceon faints.

Irida quickly tends to her partner Pokémon as you turn yours to its ball. Lian applauds the battle as you three go back to the Grandtree Arena.

As you stand before the bigger arena, the Pearl leader apologizes. She heals Cyndaquil's wounds as she speaks. "I feel better putting my trust in you now, I think. Now, explain the Galaxy Team's plan."

"We mash up the food and form them into balls. Then I'll throw the balls at Kleavor." You explain.

"So because you have to keep your distance, you'll try to quell his frenzy by...throwing the offering at him?" She thinks for a few seconds. "Interesting. So you've developed soothing balms of sorts to calm our lord...

"Very well. If it'll soothe our lord's frenzy, let's make these blams quickly and carefully." She takes out the food and starts making the offering.

With three people helping, it doesn't take very long for the balms to be done. You stand up and brush any dirt off of your uniform. The Pearl warden and leader pile the balms into a container.

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