Chapter 12: Solaceon Ruins

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Once your two days of resting are done, Volo and you have become much closer. You know more about each other than before thanks to him helping and staying with you.

Before he leaves for merchant business, he walks with you to Kamado's office. You say goodbye and enter his office, where a young red-headed girl wait.

"Hrrrm... So it's come to Ursaluna as well..." Kamado places a hand under his chin. "This suggests that even Pokémon that are not nobles can become frenzied...

"I haven't received word from Adaman or Irida but this is not something we can simply ignore." He rests his hand at his side. "In any case, you have my thanks, Miss Arezu. You did well to inform us of Ursaluna's situation."

Arezu places a hand on her head, "No problem! Adaman's got his hands full running our clan and all, and Ursaluna's warden couldn't even give me the time of day..."

She sighs, "So the Galaxy Team are the only ones I could turn to about this."

You listen to the conversation, assuming you have to help this "Ursaluna" now. "Ursaluna's warden is Mistress Calaba of the Pearl Clan, correct?" Kamado questions.

"She does not take kindly to outsiders meddling in her affairs." He continues before noticing you.

You take a couple of steps into the room. "I heard that you quelled Kleavor's frenzy and now I have a new mission for you, (y/n). Your injury should not bother you with your Pokémon at your side.

"I order you to study Ursaluna in the Crimson Mirelands! You are to show your strength if necessary." He instructs.

You hustle downstairs to Cyllene's office, getting more details of your new mission. When she's finished and dismisses you, you make your way to the Front Gate. Rei stands at the gate and smiles when he sees you.

"So you're all healed for now! That's great! I have a favor to ask: mind helping me train a bit?" He asks, grabbing one of the two Poké Balls at his waist.

"Why not?" You grab one of your own and back away, giving enough room for the battle.

Your Survey Corps friend sends out his first Pokémon: Mime Jr. You send out Quilava, Cyndaquil's evolution, and make the first move.

"Quilava, use ember!" You point at the opposing Pokémon. A small flame is shot towards the Pokémon and it falters. Mime Jr. counterattacks with Zen Headbutt, causing your partner to fly back a bit.

"Use ember once more!" You instruct and Quilava shoots another small flame. The Mime Jr. faints from the attack and Rei pulls him back.

Rei sends out his final Pokémon: Pikachu. It uses Thunder Wave, paralyzing Quilava. You instruct Quilava to use Rollout and its body turns into a rock, rolling towards Pikachu and striking it.

Rei's Pokémon uses Quick Attack twice. "Hang in there, Quilava! One more hit and we'll win!" You say to your partner.

Quilava still stands and uses one more Rollout, striking and fainting Pikachu. You notice your Pokémon's tiredness and bring it back into its ball. You smile and walk over to Rei as he congratulates you.

You both tend to your partners. "Seems right that the one who could defeat a lord would be me, too, I guess!" Rei says, sadness easily heard in his voice.

You give him a small smile, returning Quilava to its ball. "Battling me is an easy way to train with Pikachu. And that's what you wanted, right?" You ask him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

He sighs, "You're right. Thanks for that battle, (y/n)!" Rei replies with a friendly smile.

"Let's make for the Mirelands Camp." He grabs your hand and leads you out of the village, heading for the Crimson Mirelands.

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