Chapter 5: Research

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He opens his arms, "Let's see what you're made of!"

He walks to you, his arms up. He takes a swing but you dodge and grab him from behind. You are doing so well until his arms reach up and grab your arms, swinging you over his head. Your back hits the floor, your head at his feet as he towers over you and you make eye contact with him.

"You've got some fight in you. That's good," He offers you his hand to help you up. You take it and bring yourself to your feet. "I'm Kamado, commander of the Galaxy Expedition Team. I've heard about you, (y/n). About how you fell from the rift in the sky. Most villagers are suspicious of you, thinking your arrival is the beginning of a disaster. But because you passed your trial, you are apart of Jubilife Village. Dedicate yourself to completing the Pokédex! That is your main mission for now." Kamado lets you leave.

Rei waits for you on the first floor, "What'd he say?" He asks, curious.

"He told me that I'm a part of the village and I have to work on the Pokédex." You reply as you walk into Cyllene's office. The Professor and Cyllene stop talking when they see you come in.

"Remeber this (y/n), you have no rank right now. You will move up ranks when you add more on the Pokédex. Here is some money to buy supplies." She hands you ₽3,000 and a recipe for crafting Pokémon Balls. She instructs Rei to teach you how to craft various items.

"Let's go to the workbench to try crafting!" Rei says, taking your hand and pulling you along with him outside.

He takes you to the house next to the Wallflower where a small box sat on the ground. Rei explains everything you need to know about crafting. Once you craft enough Poké Balls, Laventon comes out and hands you a small book labeled "Pokédex." You fit it into your satchel as he tells both you and Rei to meet him at the Obsidian Fieldlands camp. You arrive at the base camp and learn how to successfully fill out the Pokédex.


Filling out the Pokédex has you exhausted! You've been following Rei around the Obsidian Fieldlands while catching new Pokémon. You've caught a few Wurmples and Buizels before catching up with Rei once again. He waits for you between some berry trees, "You've been doing as well as I thought you would. As a reward, I'll give you your own crafting kit," He hands you a crafting kit and you thank him.

"Once you're done with your research, meet up with Professor Laventon back at the bade camp. We'll be waiting for you! Rei yells as he runs off.

You open your Pokédex and walk around the Fieldlands, searching for new Pokémon to document.

After half an hour, you finally finish your research for now. You report back to Laventon and he completes your research with some notes of his own.

Rei stands next to you as Laventon tells you to go back to Cyllene to earn your first rank. "Give Cyllene your Pokédex, my girl, and you'll rise to the next rank!" Professor Laventon smiles.

You put your Pokédex away, turning around and walking towards the exit. Suddenly, your hand gets pulled across your body, causing you to spin around once. After your spin, a hand stays clasped around yours, dragging you after the person. Once your head stops spinning, you're able to see who grabbed your hand.

Rei was looking back at you with a smile as you two run back to the village. You notice his cheeks are a bit pink as you smile back at him. The wind whistles by as you two run, causing yours and Rei's scarf tails to whip around crazily.

"Let's go get your first star!" He cheers as he sees the gate to the village. You nod, knowing that your voice won't be loud enough for him to hear clearly. Rei isn't paying attention to where he's going; he is going to run right into someone!

"Rei! Look ou-" You scream before you both run into the person. You run into Rei, knocking both of you down. You fall with your eyes closed and when you open them again, you realize that you're on top of Rei.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Rei!" You scramble off of him, your cheeks slightly pink. He picks himself up from the ground and dusts off his clothes, his burning red.

He clears his throat, "No no, you're fine (y/n). Who...?" Rei looks ahead to see a man wearing blue and yellow, dusting off his clothes. You silently gasp, recognizing the hair.

The Gingko Guild member tilts his head up slightly, looking to see who ran into them. When your eyes lock onto one another, he smiles.

"(Y/n)!" What a pleasant surprise!" He speaks, fixing his cap.

"Volo! What're you doing here?" You ask, a smile forming on your face from seeing him. Rei sends a quick look at you, motioning his head towards Galaxy Hall.

You hold up your pointer at him as Volo speaks, "I came to gather more supplies," He points back to the general store. "What happened to your clothes?!" He asks, his eye scanning over you.

You open your mouth to answer but Rei cuts you off, "She's part of the Survey Corps now."

Volo's eye widens, "Already!? You finished your trial already?"

"I did. It was really easy for me though!" You giggle as Rei takes your hand again.

"It was nice to see you again Volo! Take care!" Rei says, walking back to headquarters while dragging you with him.

You wave goodbye to Volo and he the same. You turn back to Rei and pull your hand out of his grip, "I'm more than capable of walking by myself." You say politely, walking through the door he is holding open for you. He mumbles a small 'Sorry' as you walk into Cyllene's office.

You hand her your Pokédex and she stamps a star on it, indicating your rank as a First Star. She then explains all the rewards that come with each rank. "Because of your hard work, you have earned yourself a meal at the Wallflower." She dismisses you with a wave.


As the sun is setting, you arrive at the Wallflower with Rei and Laventon. After talking for a while, you all grab some potato mochi and begin digging in. After a long day's work, you are really hungry. Laventon and Rei begin to realize this and when all three of you are done, you each go your separate ways for the night.

Closing the door to your quarters behind you, you take off your Survey Corps sandals and make for your futon. Before you lay down, you switch into the clothes you had before your uniform. Those clothes are now your pajamas. You take off what's wrapped around your hair and take out your ponytail, letting your (h/l)
(h/c) hair fall.

You make your way under the sheets and drape them over you. You find a comfortable position and drift off into a peaceful sleep.


Word Count: 1,211

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