Chapter 23: The Sassy Pokémon

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'No... No!' You shout running towards Volo, who smirks as a shadow appears from behind. You stop and gasp at the black mass that soon engulfs him.

Thick black vines wrap around your wrists and ankles. You try shaking them off but they pull your feet from underneath you. Slamming hard on your back, the black vines pull you to where Volo stood before he was engulfed.

The same black mass that surrounded Volo then surrounds you and the vines stop dragging you. With vines still attached to your wrists and ankles, a darker shadow looms over you.

Vibrant red eyes pierce through your (e/c) ones. The shadow hisses before-

You jerk forward, panting heavily as sweat falls down your face. You rub the sweat off your face as you sit there, regaining your breath.

'What a nightmare,' Your mind races, trying to remember the terrible dream. 'What was that shadow with the red eyes? And...why was Volo there?'

As if on cue, the tent flap opens, revealing Volo with a plate full of food. He smiles as he hands over the plate but when you look at him, he realizes you're not OK. He sets the plate down close to the fire and reaches for you.

"Arceus...what happened? Was it a nightmare?" Volo asks, trying to grab your shoulders to have you face him. You flinch away from his grasp.

He freezes, unsure of why you flinched, "Um... I made you some breakfast." The blond says, reaching for the plate and showing it to you.

You take it from him and begin eating, the worries of gour bad dream fading. "Th-thank you, Volo." You say quietly, giving the empty plate back.

He takes it but sits down outside the tent, still wishing to speak with you. "Are you ok?"

You nod, pulling your knees in and wrapping your arms around them. "I-I'm fine," You stutter but he gives you a disbelieving look. "Really! I am."

Volo sighs and begins standing up but you speak, "Actually, it was a bad dream that had me waking up in a sweat." You admit, glancing up at him.

Volo exhales silently, thankful that you're telling him. "What was it about?" He asks, crouching down in front of your tent.

"Um...well... I don't really know. I just know that I saw you standing somewhere and then a black mass swallowed you. Then thick black vines grabbed my wrists and ankles, dragging me in as well. Then I was on my back and a black shadow stood over me with piercing red eyes."

You finish, look at him, and tilt your head, confused by his expression. His visible gray eye widens and his mouth is slightly agape. About to ask why, he snaps out of his short daze.

"Hmm. I would be breaking into a sweat if I were attacked by some black shadow as well." Volo replies, standing up and walking away.

You crawl out of the tent and stand up as well. "But why were you there?" You ask as he hoists his backpack on his back.

He grabs the straps and looks to the ground before turning to you, "I have no idea. Dreams can have many meanings, whether they be good or bad. Maybe I was trying to help you do something but then got attacked?" He asks, shrugging.

You place a hand on your chin, thinking. "I don't know. In any case, we'd better find Ingo. He might be up there," You point at the top of the gently inclining hill. "C'mon." You gesture for him to follow you.

You make sure all your team members are with you before ascending. At the top, in front of the tall cliff, Ingo stands, waiting. Upon hearing your footsteps, he turns and greets you.

"You would never expect to climb such sheer cliffs as these, yes?" The Pearl warden asks. "But with Sneasler as an ally, it becomes the work of a moment. She is so at home on a cliff face, one might think she knew some secret- some hidden move...

"What am I saying? Hidden moves? There are no such things in Hisui, surely..." He holds the brim of his hat, staring at the ground. "Yet I feel as though I was on the cusp of remembering something just now...

"Just who was I before I came to Hisui? If you fell from the come from another world altogether, most likely." Ingo looks up, his eyes landing on you.

"If there is something on the other side of the rift," Volo mumbles and Ingo glances at him before you again.

"Perhaps a Pokémon battle with you would jog this memory loose... Would you honor me with a battle, (Y/n)?" The warden asks you.

"Of course," You reply without hesitation.

He nods before pointing his arms separate ways, "All aboard, then! Machoke, prepare for departure!"


"Your talent has brought you to the destination called Victory!" Ingo announces. "Allow me to call Sneasler,"

He pulls out his flute and plays the melodic instrument. You look around before noticing a figure appear on a ledge: Sneasler. The Pokémon cries out before climbing down the ledge and walking over to all three of you.

"Allow me to introduce you, (Y/n). This keen-clawed Pokémon is called Sneasler. Now, play your flute for her," Ingo instructs.

Sneasler places one of her clawed paws on her hip in a sassy manner as you play your Celestica Flute. When you finish, she nibbles on her other clawed paw before handing you the Toxic Plate.

Both Volo's and your eyes widen. Volo grins as you put the plate safely away.

"This is my final stop. Please proceed up the cliffs with Sneasler's aid and quell the Lord in the mountains!" Ingo tells you.

"Thank you, Ingo." You say, nodding with a warm smile.

Ingo leaves and you get ready to climb the cliffs with Sneasler. Before climbing onto Sneasler's back, you glance back at Volo. His face is uneasy as he realizes what you're going to do.

"Wait, you can't come, can you?" You ask the merchant.

He shakes his head, "I think Sneasler can only carry one at a time. So I guess this is where we part?" He questions.

You grab your left arm with your right hand, "I guess so..." You mumble, glancing at the ground.

You didn't really want him to leave, but the nightmare you had last night also made you on edge when he stood beside you. You keep your head low but raise your eyes, searching for his next action.

Volo sighs and adjusts his bag, "Ok, well...I hope you quell Electrode safely. No more injuries!" He playfully scolds and you both laugh.

"I can not promise you that, unfortunately." You say, raising your head.

Sneasler cries out to you. "Looks like I should get going," You point your thumb behind you to the sassy Pokémon.

"All right, be safe." The blond tells you.

"I will try," You reply.

As you turn around to face Sneasler, Volo takes steps toward you. Confused, you turn back around as he engulfs you in a hug. This takes you by surprise and you can't keep your face from heating up.

"V-Volo," You stumble to find words.

After a few more seconds, he lets you go, his eyes meeting yours. "Good luck,"

Volo turns and heads down the hill, soon disappearing from your sight. Your face begins to cool down as you turn to Sneasler.

She chirps as you climb on her back. She digs her claws into the face of the wall.

"Let's go!"

Word Count: 1,282

Finals is coming up >-< It's gonna be rough but I will go strong for this. Got some ideas for the Galar region stories ^^

Til Next Time!

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