Chapter 26: Young One

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The voice was right by your ear. Snow lands in your hair and on your nose as you tense up from the sudden voice. You turn around to face the person only for the snow to give way beneath you. You lose footing and immediately fall with the snow off the edge into the area below.

"AAAAH!!!" You scream, reaching your hand up for the person to grab to pull you back up.

You close your eyes and brace for impact with the ground far below you. But you don't fall for long. Your feet crunch into the snow on the large ledge. You pull your arm down and glance around, thinking it was stupid to scream when you weren't going to fall that far.

You put your hands on your hips as you look up at the person who was laughing. You pout as Volo gasps for breath from laughing too much. "Seriously?!" You raise an eyebrow at his careless behavior.

The blond looks down at you, "I'm sorry! It was just so funny seeing your expression as you fell." He laughs at the memory.

"Thanks for grabbing my hand," You say sarcastically, jumping down to the very bottom. You look up, expecting him to join you.

"You're welcome," He smirks before standing up straight. He reaches back and pulls out the blanket from his bag. "Here, you look a bit chilly," Volo tosses you the yellow and white striped blanket.

You catch it and quickly wrap it around your shivering body. You fluster as you smell the young man's scent on the blanket. Looking back up, Volo appears to be gone. You raise an eyebrow at his sudden disappearance before beginning your journey through the ice cave.

'Why did Volo just vanish?' You question, walking through the narrow icy blue cavern. A couple of Bergmites wander across the icy floor as you pass by. They pay you no attention as you do the same with them. The cave floor gently inclines up toward an exit to outside.

Exiting, you wrap the blanket tighter around your body, trying to get as much warmth out of it as possible. You scan the area and make out a giant piece of ice in the distance.

"That must be where Adaman and Irida are..." You mumble, trudging through the snowy wilderness. You let out Sylveon to have one of your partners by your side. Its ribbons swirl in the air as it meets your (e/c) eyes. You smile warmly at it before extending your hand out toward it.

Understanding, Sylveon wraps one of its ribbons around your still bandaged hand and walks by your side through the Icelands.


You and Sylveon arrive at the giant piece of ice, meeting up with the Clan Leaders.

"Well, that was a real slog, fighting through those miserable icy winds to reach this desolate bit of nowhere. Well done, us." Adaman sarcastically congratulates all of you.

The Pearl leader ignores his sarcastic cheer, "This gentlemen is Avalugg's warden and my most honorable teacher, Gaeric. So show some respect, Adaman!" She raises her voice.

"You must be (Y/n), right? Of the Galaxy Team." The tone-chested man questions. "Answer me this, would you? On what grounds do you come here seeking to quell Lord Avalugg"

"Avalugg's in a frenzy," You reply, holding the blanket tighter as the wind blows.

"That leads to my next question: What is wrong with him being frenzied?"

"It c-could trouble o-others," You spill out, chattering your teeth as the wind caresses your neck even though your (h/l) (h/c) hair and the blanket try to cover the exposed skin.

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