Chapter 16: Palina

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Gaining consciousness, your ears pick up commotion from outside. A sudden loud noise shocks you awake and you jolt upright. Forgetting that you're on the bottom bed, you bang your head against the wood holding the bed above you.

You groan and rub your forehead where it hurts. You inch your way out from under the top bunk and grab your belongings. Moving to the front door, you're greeted by the rays of sunlight.

You push open the door to see two Diamond members chasing a wild Rhyhorn out of camp. Once the Pokémon is safely away from the settlement, the men notice you and walk over.

"Are you the one that quelled Lilligant?" One man asks.

"Yes, that's me." You reply.

"Thank you for helping her. We're terribly sorry for possibly waking you when we were chasing the wild Pokémon out of camp." The other apologizes.

You glance up at the sky and estimate the time, "Actually, this is exactly when I wanted to wake up. If there wasn't such a commotion, I wouldn't have woken when I wanted to." You admit.

They smile at you. You begin walking to the entrance of the settlement, "Thank you and be safe!" You tell them.

You bring out your Arc Phone and use it to fast-travel to Mirelands Camp. Before you can talk to the Professor, a familiar voice calls out behind you.

"You're a real wonder!"

Turning around, you're met with Volo strolling up to you. A smile quickly forms on your face when you see him.

"I saw light disappearing into the space-time rift. Quelled another frenzied Pokémon, have you?" He stops, keeping enough distance between the two of you to keep you comfortable.

Volo leans forward and shakes a finger gun at you, "We still don't know what's causing the lightning that frenzies these Pokémon... But you! You just go on rescuing them, without even the hint of terror!"

He straightens, "You might even change the entire course of history here in Hisui... And I definitely want to be in the good books of someone like that!"

You furrow your brows and tilt your head at his words but he walks off before you can ask him what he means.

You shrug, not thinking much of the words' meaning. Meeting Professor Laventon, you give him your Pokédex to update. Once he updates the book, the Security Corps guard escorts you to Jubilife Village.

You feel like a child when the Security Corps escorts you between the village and the wilderness. Why can't you just go on your own? You'll be fine on your own, given your age and your team.

You take some berries and plop them into your mouth since you didn't have breakfast. When you arrive at your destination, you saunter over to the Galaxy Hall and make your way up the stairs to Kamado.

Stopping in front of him, he speaks, "So you successfully calmed Lilligant."

"I did." You nod.

"Excellent." He hesitates before speaking again, "A stranger falls into our world from a rift in space-time... Then frenzies are caused by strange lightning which likewise falls from that very same rift..."

Kamado lays a hand on his belt, "But you have no connections to the lightning, isn't that right? We may need to investigate the rift itself to prove your motives are beyond challenging.

"But be warned... As the leader of the Galaxy Team, I am prepared to make harsh decisions in order to protect Jubilife Village." He warns as you both hear someone ascending the stairs.

You stand to the side to let the person come into the room. Irida gives you a sweet smile before standing next to the Commander.

"I'm here to talk about (Y/n)'s next mission." She states.

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