Chapter 38: Back to the Village

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Skdjdbd I'm so sorry for not posting in basically a month!! I am sincerely apologetic! I've just been having so many things happening these past few weeks!! I'll try to be better I swear to you all!!!

"Ah... The Pokémon of the lakes!" Cogita gasps, surprised to see the entities at these ruins.

Suddenly, the three mystical Pokémon glow a vibrant shade of red as if summoning something. Then, a ball of red light hovers above you before dropping in front of your face. You blink several times, unsure of what your eyes are witnessing as the light bursts. A red circular chain replaces the light, landing in your palms as shock covers everyone's face.

Then, one by one, the lake Pokémon disappear in sparkles just as they had appeared. Cogita, Volo, Adaman, and you regroup to discuss what to do next.

"You've succeeded once again, (Y/n)!" Volo praises with a victorious smile. A smile that causes a blush to form on your face. His smile drops, "Yet...things do not seem to be going so well for the rest of the world."

Adaman raises a brow at his remark, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I've...had some news from my fellow merchants in the Gingko Guild..." He talks slowly, wanting you to listen to every word. "It seems that the commander is going to forgo waiting for our investigation to finish. He plans to climb Mount Coronet himself."

Worry overcomes your calm mind and you bite your lip as you take it in. Kamado plans to climb Mount Coronet to stop this himself? He can't do it alone.

"What's he thinking?! Even if he makes it up there, what can he do against a giant rift in space-time?" Adaman questions, rubbing the side of his head as if he could read your mind and say your thoughts aloud.

Volo places a hand on his hip, "Well, he doesn't yet know that (Y/n) has managed to get the Red Chain, now, does he?"

"That's right!" Adaman rejoices before glancing up at the rift and then returning to Volo. "We've got to let him know that it'll be all right now that we have the Red Chain. Even the commander should see reason then and call off this foolhardy plan of his."

"Let's hope we can make it back before he leaves for Mount Coronet," You tell everyone but mainly Volo as you turn to him as you speak.

With that, everyone makes their way back to Jubilife Village. Everyone except for Cogita. The white-haired woman assured everyone that she does not need to be a part of this and that she would be at her hideout if she is needed.

The journey back to the village takes all day, and once you make it to the front gate, the sun dips below the horizon. Stepping through, you look to the side of the gate seeing your friend, Rei. His expression is full of shame and sadness as he shakes his head in disappointment while staring straight at the ground.

Knowing you don't have time to speak with him because you need to go directly to Kamado, you jog past him, notifying the boy of someone.

"Huh?" Rei mumbles, hearing the footsteps and glancing up to see who it is. Once his eyes set on you, they widen and his jaw drops. He starts to catch up with you, "Wait! (Y/n)! It's you! I can't believe I just let you pass right by."

You stop, hesitant to let him delay you in your path to stop the commander. He slides to a stop in front of you, "Thank goodness you're still alive..." He whispers in a hushed tone, but quickly improves it, "I-I mean, of course you are! I knew you'd be all right!"

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