Chapter 34: Ancient Retreat

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“Thanks.” You say sarcastically in regards to Cyllene’s order.

After playing a tune on your Celestica Flute, Braviary lands before you. Gripping his snow-white feathers, you pull yourself onto the Pokémon’s back and you both go up in the air. 

‘I need to find Lian,’ You remind yourself. ‘He’s probably where I first met him: the Heartwood.’ 

Knowing your destination, you steer Braviary towards the bundle of trees past the Heights Camp. The doomy sky darkens, indicating the sunset although it’s impossible to see it. 

After soaring over the Fieldlands for a while, you make it to the Heartwood. Steering for the heart of the woods, you catch a glimpse of Lian with his arms crossed. Braviary swiftly lowers to the ground before planting his talons in the dirt. Without getting off the Pokémon, you speak first.

“Hello, Lian.” You speak calmly as if the terror inside you isn’t there.

His narrowed, angry eyes meet your figure. “You! What in the world did you do?!”

“I didn’t do anything!” You plead, surprised by his mad tone.

“Look at the size of that rift! If lightning starts pouring from it, all the Pokémon in Hisui could be thrown into a frenzy! The entire clan is in a panic now!” Lian spats, unfolding his arms.

“I should have known that the only thing that could come from that rift was disaster…” He trails off.

“I need your help,” You state nonchalantly.

“Help?!” He practically shouts. Then his voice lowers, “Ah. Well. That’s not exactly something I can do. It’s not that I wouldn’t like to help you…but it would put Irida in a difficult position.”

Touching the brim of his hat, Lian continues speaking. “I truly do wish that I could repay you for quelling Kleavor’s frenzy as you did. You must know that. But there’s nothing I alone can do for you.”

After a moment of silence, besides the nearby Pokémon noises, it suddenly hits him. “Oh! Warden Mai might be able to help you, though. She’s a caring woman, after all. Just like you!” He gives you a cheeky smile.

You return it with a soft smile. “Where can I find her?”

“Probably at the Worn Bridge. I believe it’s a very significant place for her.” He says.

“Thank you, Lian,” You say kindly and brace for Braviary to lift into the air. The Pokémon does and you direct toward the Worn Bridge, where Mai might be.

Passing over the water and landing on the ground, you scan the bridge for another woman. Seeing the unmistakable dark blue clothes of the Diamond warden, you gasp and jump off Braviary’s back. You sprint over to her as she gives the sky a daunting look.

Upon hearing your footsteps, she greets you kindly. “Hello, (Y/n). What a frightful sky we have,”

“I know,” You reply with a frown.

“You don’t know what brought this about, do you?” Mai questions.

“I’m trying to find out…” Was your only response.

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