Chapter 37: The Three Lakes Part 3: Lake Acuity

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Once you arrived at Icepeak Camp, the sun began to set. The sky soon became a mixture of orange, purple, dark blue, and red. Off in the distance was a waterfall that which water fell from the lake above it. Glancing at a stone-faced Volo, you play a tune on your flute, calling a certain bird Pokémon. After putting the instrument away, you turn to Volo, annoyed with his aggravated self.

You place a hand on your hip, "Can you show your excited side that I got so used to?" You ask directly, causing him to look at you in surprise. You blink several times, waiting for his response.

Eventually, he sighs and crosses his arms, "I'm sorry. It's just... Adaman is..."

"Is what?" You push more. "What is it about Adaman that you are so annoyed with?"

"I-You-He... Sure he's a clan leader and all but he doesn't know everything," Volo stares at the snow-covered ground. "The man is obsessed with all things time!"

"He believes that almighty Sinnoh is the ruler of time, and he and his clan follow it because they believe time is more important!" You defend the blue-clothed clan leader.

"All he talks about is time!" Volo argues.

"And all you talk about is myths, legends, and the history of Hisui!" You retort angrily. "How are you any different?!"

This shook him. Ashamed, he looks away from you. Your hands formed into fists as you argued with the blond-haired man. Slowly, you unfurl your fists and look up to see a large figure coming your way. You glance over at the sulking merchant as Bravairy lands beside you. He squawks as you stroke his feathers before hoisting yourself up on his back.

Braviary opens his wings to leave, but you hold your hand out to pause the Pokémon's movement. "Volo..."

He slowly turns around to see you. "Are you coming?" You ask, holding out your hand for him to take.

"Maybe I should walk-"

"There's no time. Get on," You insist, not letting him finish.

Nodding, he walks over and climbs on the Pokémon's back. Instead of wrapping his arms around your waist, he digs his fingers into Braviary's feathers. "Let's go, Braviary," You tell the Pokémon.

Squawking, he flaps before lifting off of the ground completely. You look behind you, seeing the sun already set below the horizon. You lift your head to look at the partly cloudy, dark purple sky. The chilling breeze whips past you and Volo, almost causing Volo's hat to fly off.

You hear a sigh behind you before his voice, "(Y/n)..."

You glance over your shoulder, "Yes?"

"I'm..." He sighs. "I'm...sorry"

"For the commotion about Adaman?"

"Yeah. I shouldn't have acted like that." He confesses.

"I was worried. I've never seen you act like that before." You give a small smile, although he couldn't see it.

"I just... It was from seeing him and you together,"

You fake gasp, "Were you jealous?" You smirk.

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