Chapter 44: Regret

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You rapidly spin around, your terrified eyes locking with Volo's furious ones. The pain in his eyes almost obliterates your heart. He trusted you, and you broke both his and your hearts. Your face scrunches up from the pain felt within you. Your lovely (e/c) eyes fill with tears so fast that everything blurs. You press your palms against your eyes, sobs escaping your mouth. You spread your fingers seeing Volo standing there stiffly. You feel a hand on your shoulder and immediately rip out of its grasp.

"Don't touch me!" You snap sharply at the Diamond Clan leader. He raises his hands in surrender and stares at you caringly, wondering if you'd be OK.

Braviary comfortingly walks over to you and places his head on yours. From the corner of your eye, Volo's feet shift and start moving toward the cave you were supposed to go to. You sniffle and slowly drag your feet in his direction. Braviary lowly squawks at you and you wave your hand, telling him he could leave. You needed to talk to the man whom you fell in love with.

"Volo..." Your voice was barely audible with the tears still springing from your eyes. "I...I need to talk to you." You wipe away stray tears with the back of your hand.

"Go talk to some other guy," He states harshly, startling you with his tone. You blink several times before actually comprehending what he said. You halt as the tears start forming once again.

"No, please, listen," You plead, staying in one spot. Your words don't seem to slow him down. He enters the Primeval Grotto and walks over to Irida, completely ignoring you.

You couldn't believe it. This was your fault. You slipped right into Adaman's trap. You succumbed to him. You hit your head with your fist, making sure to know how stupid you were for falling into Adaman's obvious trap.

Your knees fall apart and you fall to the ground, completely drowned in your guilt and misery. You kneel on the ground, propped up on your heels with your face buried in your hands. It was becoming too unbearable now. Your heart felt like it was cut into a million tiny pieces by the blond merchant and your own actions.

Adaman, respecting your wishes, brushes past you and into the cave. You lean down farther, making sure your elbows touch the ground to hold you up. The weather changes around you, dusting you in white. The sun slips beneath the horizon and the stars sparkle in the night sky while fluffy snow falls. The temperature rapidly falls, causing you to shiver and clutch the sleeves of your Survey Corps uniform, trying to maintain heat.

Sounds of footsteps cause your head to involuntarily look up. It wasn't quite who you were hoping it was, but you weren't unpleased with who it was either.

"I...heard," You hear the feminine voice of Irida through your sobs. She stood solemnly with her hands clasped together. "It seems that Volo needs some time away from you, for 'his well-being' he said."

You raise your body and prop yourself on your heels. You lock eyes with Irida, stray tears leaving your red eyes. You press your palms against your eyes, "It's all my fault."

She gives no response, just a hand on your shoulder. You continue, "I-I couldn't control myself. I won't ever forgive myself for that. I lost the man I grew to love and only for stupid reasons." You slide your fingers through the earth, drawing un-patterned lines. "What can I do to resolve my actions?" You ask the Pearl leader hopefully.

She bites her lip before exhaling, "You could save the world. Perhaps he'll forgive you after that,"

You sigh, wiping the remaining tears out of your eyes and off your face with your sleeve. Irida was right. You need to focus on saving the world. As important as he is to you, he'd have to come later. Saving the world comes before your boy problem. You stand up and brush off your uniform, regaining yourself.

Irida gives you an 'are you ready?' look and you nod in response, still sniffling from your breakdown. She gives you a friendly smile before walking towards the Primeval Grotto entrance. You follow slowly behind her. Once you enter the cave, you see Adaman and Lian making conversation. Adaman glances at you but you swiftly look away, not having the heart to talk or look at him right now.

Irida senses the tension between you two and speaks up before it gets unbearably uncomfortable for everyone. "I feel some extraordinary power here-as if the world itself was created in this very place," She turns to the young warden. "What do you think, Lian?"

Lian walks toward one part of the cave. You didn't notice it when you came in, but where Lian was facing was some red stones that seemed to be engraved into the wall. Some excavating would be needed. "Taking into consideration my knowledge of ores, my skill at mining, and the strength of my Sliggoo's moves...

"I think you'd better leave any extraction work up to us, wouldn't you say?"

"It's probably best," You and Irida respond in unison. She glances at you with a gentle nod while Adaman finally speaks, "We've got company...and it's not good ones either by the looks of them."

You turn to face where you came into the cave to find three women whom you were very familiar with. "We're going to have to ask you to stop right there." The leader shouts, her voice ricocheting off the walls.

With agility, the two behind her dash toward the red stones and stand guard, blocking your path. The leader smoothly slides in between them and places a hand on her hip, smirking.

"Oh, come on... We don't have any time to waste with-" His eyes snap over to the girl with two braids. "Clover?! We haven't seen you since you walked out of the clan! Where've you been all this time?!" He questions with an agape mouth.

"Hmph. I don't have to tell you nothin'." Clover dismisses him with a cross of her arms.

"Look, you can carry on digging out that treasure you're after. And then you'll give it to us." The leader, Charm you remember, tells you all.

"I don't know why you even look surprised. It's not as if you were hard to follow." Coin shrugs with no emotion.

Irida holds her hands out, "What we seek may be as precious as treasure, but this isn't bout how valuable it is-we need it to restore this awful sky to normal!"

Coin grits her teeth and suddenly shouts at the Pearl leader, "Ugh. That earnest goody-two-shoes act of yours is what made me leave the Pearl Clan in the first place!"

"Enough. I don't care why any of you ran off to play bandit. But I won't let you get in Lian's way." Adaman settles the dispute by stepping in front of Irida, Lian, and you.

"I'll take care of Charm," You grab hold of Garchomp's ball.

Adaman casts you a smile, "Just what I was thinking."

You narrow your (e/c) eyes at him, "Yeah, whatever." You were still upset with what happened and you showed no mercy toward him right now.

Adaman smile turns into a frown at your words.

You release Garchomp with a simple throw. He emerges with an aggressive growl and you smirk at Charm's hesitation to pull out her Pokémon for battle. You were not in the mood for these bandits, so they would feel the anger and devastation seeping through your thoughts which poured into battle.

Word Count: 1,295

Just in time for Valentine's Day!! Woo! Hope you all have/had a great Valentine's Day! Know that you are greatly loved by those around you even if you do or don't have a valentine!! ❤

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