Chapter 21: Up the Mountain

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Journeying to the Coronet Highlands becomes tough. A rough wind billows against Ingo, Volo, and you. Stepping over multiple ravines, you find yourself at the base of the mountain. A path winds through the environment up to the next base camp.

"I'll meet you at the entrance to Wayward Cave." Ingo says, walking up the path and disappearing.

You grip one arm and look up at Volo, "What are you planning on doing?"

The blond holds his hat on his head to keep it from flying off, "I was planning on just looking at the ruins since not many customers can be found up here." He says, gazing at the mountain.

You say nothing and begin to walk up the path, soon meeting with Professor Laventon at the next base camp. Volo stands by your side, gazing at the space-time rift. You tighten your (h/c) in the ponytail as the wind begins to die down.

Your (e/c) eyes move up toward the rift. You squint at the exposed portal, wondering if those cracks got bigger or if you were just seeing things. The Professor finally got done ranting about the Pokémon in the area.

"Thanks, Professor." You say, rushing off to the small ruins at the edge of the cliff with Volo following.

You stop, noticing the Probopass statue and the knocked over Clefable one. A faint rumble is heard and you and Volo look in the distance. A strike of electricity flies through the air farther in the mountain before facing.

You sigh and Volo places a hand on your shoulder, "It'll be fine. Once you quell Electrode, peace will return to the highlands."

"There's too much pressure. Why do I have to do this?" You ask him, glancing at the rift like you're asking it the question.

"You're the strongest of the Galaxy Expedition Team. You're the only one who can do it." He states with no emotion.

You bring your hands up to cover your face, "But what if I fail?"

Volo stands in front of you and places both hands on your shoulders. "Hey, you've quelled three nobles so far. You haven't failed once. You've shown everyone that you can succeed; that you have the power to succeed, no matter what anyone says."

Your (e/c) orbs meet his. You mange a weak smile, taking in his words. "You're right... Anyway, we should go meet up with Ingo." Volo parks up at the name.

You walk to the edge, "There he is," You point toward his figure. "Let's go."

You and Volo walk down the gentle inclined hill, beelining for Ingo's location. Ingo tries to speak but Volo beats him to it.

"Ah, Ingo! How is that memory loss of yours?" The blond asks, looking at the warden.

"I can't remember my own home, nor my family, if I had any..." Ingo states.

"Have you considered that it could have somehow been caused by the space-time rift?" Volo asks as you look between the two, following along.

The Pearl warden shakes his head, "I don't have a cause to blame the rift...but then again, I hardly remember a thing, so it's difficult to say. But do ask (Y/n)."

Volo nudges you, making you look up at him. "Do you remember what you saw when you fell? Anything inside?" You see the curiosity in his eyes.

You gently smile at his curiousness, "I...think I saw something..."

He brings a hand to his chin, "I did some digging and found records indicating that this same space-time rift also appeared in Hisui in the past before I asked to join you."

The merchant glances between you and Ingo, "What kind of world lies on the other side? My guess is that it's almighty Sinnoh's realm."

He holds your shoulders, "But why has it opened again? And why did you fall through to us?" He asks you.

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