Chapter 27: Loss

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After catching Sabi atop the mountain by the base camp, she instructed you to meet her at Snowpoint Temple. Thank Arceus you called Wyrdeer to bring you there. It was the large stone building sitting upon the mountain which was very far from where Sabi was.

Arriving at the temple, Sabi and Braviary wait in front of the entrance with a Pearl Clan member. You jump off of Wyrdeer as she greets you.

"Hi again, (Y/n)!" Her arms open above her head as one foot comes off the ground with her little jump. "It's nice having someone new out here to play with. Safety in numbers or something like that!"

She gestures behind her and Braviary hovers beside her, "Anyway, here's Snowpoint Temple! I've opened the front door for you. Just a little more chasing left for you to do!"

You internally groan but remain calm. "But the real question here I really having fun playing with you? Or am I bored? Hmmm?" The young green-haired girl asks before turning around and disappearing into the temple.

Sylveon's ball rustles on your belt when you take steps inside the temple. The walls and floor of Snowpoint Temple are all a dark cyan color. Weird statues stand in the bigger room farther in. Although inside a building, you fidget around with Volo's blanket, hoping to get your hands warm.

Deeper in the main room, you locate stairs on the left side and move on to the second floor while avoiding a Bronzong's Hypnosis. Making your way through, you approach a door with symbols on it. Three statues stand before the door and you go back to read the inscriptions: Rock, Steel, Ice.

Returning to the door, you press the panels of Rock, Steel, and Ice in that order. A rumble comes from the door as it opens, revealing more of the temple to you. Seeing more statues of the same design as before, you realize Snowpoint Temple's puzzle. Reading off the inscriptions and symbols on each statue in order of where the statue is facing, you press the panels on the next door.

For a third time, you figure out the pattern on the statues and press the panels on the last door. Ascending up the stairs, you turn the corner to see an Alpha Gallade. You press your back against the wall as it shrieks into the empty room.

Cautiously peeking around the corner, you spot a set of stairs the alpha is guarding. Turning back to hide, you take a deep breath and form the plan of sprinting right past it in your mind. Peeking again, a Kirlia bounces around the Galladr. When the Pokémon are facing the opposite direction, you make a run for it.

But upon hearing your footsteps, Gallafe turns around and its red eyes menacingly glare at you. You stop, noticing the Kirlia trembling behind it, holding onto Gallade's leg. You tilt your head at both Pokémon's movements. Why wasn't Gallade attacking?

Moving to take a step closer, the alpha hisses. You freeze before jumping out of the way of Gallade's attack. You scramble up the stairs and around the corner. Pressing your back against the wall and regaining your breath, you look back at the Pokémon slowly. The alpha walks back to the frightened Kirlia and you notice it soothing the small Pokémon.

'Gallade mustn't want anyone to harm or get close to Kirlia. And Kirlia must be afraid of people, like the villagers are of Pokémon. That explains why it trembled behind Gallade.' You piece together.

Moving on, you walk through the last room and up the stairs to a bigger yet narrower room with pillars. Sabi stands at the far end, waiting.

"I guess I've been caught, so we're nearly done... That's no fun." She says with a small frown. "Hey, remember my clairvoyance? It showed me something else."

"What...was it?" You ask cautiously, hoping it wasn't bad.

"I saw you flying with Braviary. Do you think that'll come to pass?"

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