Chapter 45: Origin Ore

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Your rage, sorrow, guilt, and frustration flow into the commands you give Garchomp. The connection between you and your Pokémon exceeds all expectations. Your bond has become so strong that they feel your emotions and how badly you've been hurt. Your rage and sadness fuel Garchomp's attacks and reason for victory. He has to win for you. You have to win.

Finally, Charm releases her ace: Gengar. Adaman and Irida stand behind you, watching your battle progress. You feel Irida's eyes pierce into your skull while Adaman stares at the battle, waiting for the next move. Charm flicks her wrist and Gengar slaps your partner with Poison Jab, poisoning him. You stiffen as Garchomp slowly attacks from the infection. Charm points and orders a Shadow Ball and Gengar forms a sphere, sending it straight toward Garchomp.

"Block!" You shout with worry. Garchomp immediately raises his fin, blocking the Shadow Ball attack and taking no damage. You exhale and command Earth Power. Raising his fins, Garchomp splits the earth and the ground juts upward, striking Gengar in the legs and gut. Charm's eyes widen in shock at the power you wield. She reluctantly pulls out Gengar's Poké Ball and returns her fainted partner.

"Well, you are rather formidable..." Charm shakes her head with disappointment in her battling strategies.

Clover and Coin join their leader, standing on either side of her. Adaman tries reasoning, "Come on, Clover... Why not come back to the Diamond Clan? Times are changing. We're changing. And we could really use someone as strong as you are."

"Are you joking?" Clover yells, whipping her arms around. "I've got no interest in living back in that place with all its stupid rules!"

"Look. We'll let you keep your treasure this time. But you'd better do something about that sky." Coin states, placing a hand on her hip.

Charm locks eyes with you, "You are as strong as ever, (Y/n)... Maybe you really can do something about that monstrous creature at the top of the mountain. But even if you do, the next time we meet, you won't escape without a beating! Remember that!"

With that, they strike a goofy pose and throw smoke bombs on the ground, covering their leave. Your eyes glare at where they once stood.

"If you haven't had enough beating, I'll give you one more if you show up again." You threaten under your breath.

Irida blinks and clears her throat while Adaman pipes up, "Honestly, those three... What did they even come here for?"

You look over at him and shrug before quickly drawing your attention away by Irida's voice. "The Coin that I remember never hesitated to help someone in need, even if she groused as she did so.

"I suspect they may have been...worried about us. Perhaps even wanting to help..." The Pearl leader explains with some hope in her cerulean blue eyes.

"Then they should've just said so! What a pain they are, hiding behind all that attitude..." Adaman grumbles, meeting Irida's gaze.

You shake your head, feeling a headache come on from all that has happened. You peer over at Lian standing behind his leader. He notices you motioning toward the cave wall and brings out his Sliggoo. Walking over to the red gems stuck on the side, he and his partner begin excavating the prize.

Finally having pulled some out, Lian turns around holding some of the ore in his hands. "I suppose this...'Origin Ore' better go with you, (Y/n)."

You move forward and grab a large chunk of the ore from his hands. You carefully place it in your satchel.

"That was surprisingly easy," Adaman says with a big grin while you close your satchel.

Lian's eyes narrow and his hands find his hips, "No, you simply fail to recognize my skill. You ought to be praising my hard work! Honestly." He says, annoyed with no appreciation.

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