Chapter 48: The Plates

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"(Y/n), look here," The blond-haired merchant gestures to the hieroglyphs inscribed on the wall. "You see these patterns modeled after Pokémon? I've come to think that they might be letters-rather like hieroglyphs, if you will."

Upon arriving at the Heights Camp, Volo dragged you to the rocky wall behind the tent. You gazed upon the pictures that looked to be Pokémon drawn onto the wall face. There, he began dumping loads of information he discovered onto you. Most of his explanation went in one ear and out the other, but one sentence caught your attention.

"...fragments of an all-encompassing deity." Volo adjusted his backpack while you came to your senses.

"All-encompassing deity?" You questioned, having an idea about who this was.

"Yes. An all-encompassing deity-the creator of this very universe. And its name is..."


You blink as the gears shift in your head. Then your eyes shine bright, "I've heard that name!"

Volo switches his gaze toward you, his grey eye wide with surprise, "You have?"

You pause as your thoughts vanish. You scratch the side of your head, messing with your (h/c) hair. "Yeah... I have, but now it's gone," you frown.

"Hmm, well, I'm sure it will come back to you, but for now, let's talk about the fragments," Volo continues. "They must surely be the plates!"

Still distracted, you hum in agreement. Noticing your inattentive response, the blond boy frowns and crosses his arms. "So I bet you knew they have words carved on their backs too?"

Still absentminded, you nod before stopping. You shake your head and stare at him, "Wait, what?"

He smirks before shrugging innocently, "What? You didn't know there were words carved on the back of the plates? Of course, I do know more about these kinds of things than you do."

You feel your face get warm and immediately twist your torso, scrambling to pick out one of the plates. "U-uh of course I do," you hold out the Mind Plate and begin reading it before it gets taken from your grip. "Hey!"

"If you've read them already, what does this one say?" He tests you with a raised brow.

You shift nervously, trying to remember what you just read. "Um, I think it was something about the Original One or something." You cross your arms and hold your head high like you won a prize, "Well, I have a lot of plates, and the words from each one are mixing in my head right now."

Volo scoffs and closes his eyes, reciting it word by word, "'The Original One breathed alone before the universe came.' This 'Original One' is none other than the Pokémon known as Arceus."

You blink in surprise and snatch the plate from him, "Show off."

He gives a cheery smile indicating his victory. "So, I think we should try to gather all the plates. And I know just where to start," he grabs your wrist and starts walking. "Come with me to the Grueling Grove."


"Now, according to my investigations.."

Suddenly, a loud buzzing sound came from ahead, startling you both. Out of instinct, Volo wraps one arm around your waist and stumbles back, tripping over. You yelp and crash on your back, Volo's arm beneath you. He fumbles for a Poké Ball and hastily throws it. His Togekiss appears and faces the threatening Alpha Vespiquen.

You prop yourself on your elbows, breathing heavily as you watch Volo's Pokémon battle. He, on the other hand, stares at his other arm snaked around your torso, wondering how you haven't noticed. Shaking his head, he watches as his Togekiss finishes off the Alpha Vespiquen practically unscathed. It cheers and floats over to where the terrifying Pokémon was.

"Um, Volo," You say in a quiet voice. His grey eye meets your (e/c) ones before following them down to his arm. "Could you remove your arm?"

Hesitantly, he slowly lifts his arm from your stomach, his warmth leaving immediately. He adjusts his hat and sits up straight, "Sorry."

You inhale shakily, remembering the night of the festival. "It's okay," You stand up as Togekiss floats over with something in its little mouth. "What's this?"

Now Volo stands up and peers over your shoulder. He gasps, "That's the Stone Plate!"

"Why did the Vespiquen have it?" You wonder aloud, taking the plate from Volo's Pokémon.

"Maybe it found it lying around," The blond-haired boy shrugged cluelessly. "Unfortunately, that's the only other plate I had any information about... Yet nothing is happening with the plates you have already. I believe there are still more plates to be found."

He holds out his Poké Ball, returning Togekiss to it. "I know the perfect person to ask." He smiles.

"Cogita!" You say with excitement. "Of course. She's bound to know about the plates."

"Then let's go to the Ancient Retreat."

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