| Extra | Day 1

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Third Person Pov - Volo

Volo blinks, waking up. The sun shines through the windows into the quarters. He raises his arms over his head, stretching and yawning.

Pulling the blanket that was given to him off, he slowly rises to his feet. Volo glances over at the small bed in the back. A tiny smile forms on his lips as he remembers why he's here with (Y/n): he has to take care of her for two days.

Volo sighs and quietly moves around her team that lie the ground. The floor slightly creaks under his steps when he stops next to her. He crouches beside (Y/n), gazing at her peaceful form.

She is laying on her uninjured side, her lips slightly parted. Strings of (h/c) hair cover her face as her body moves up and down in sync with her breathing. Volo brushes some of her hair from her face and tucks it behind her ear.

He stands up and quietly starts for his bag, hoping to have a meal ready for him and her when she wakes. His mind goes back to the plates that fell out of her satchel.

The blond stops and takes a glance to the right, noticing the satchel on the floor. He lifts his foot to step in that direction, but stops. 'I...I'll get them later,' Volo decides, starting for his bag again.

He pulls out a few ingredients and heads to the small wooden counter. He sets them down and realizes he's missing one thing.

Volo sighs heavily and grabs some money from his bag. He walks to the door and places a hand on it. Before he pushes it open for an errand run, he looks back at (Y/n).

She is still sleeping, her body rising and falling with every breath. Volo smiles before opening the door, stepping into the village. He closes the door and begins his errands.

(Y/n)'s Pov

You stir as you begin to wake up. Even through your closed eyelids, you can see the rays of the sun slipping through the windows.

Noticing your breathing change, your team wakes up. You open your (e/c) eyes to find Luxio nuzzling your cheek, trying to wake you up. He notices your opened eyes and cries out softly.

You roll onto your back and stare at the ceiling. You begin to recall what happened. The only thing you remember is getting injured by Kleavor, and then you were in your quarters with Volo.

'Volo... Volo!' You quickly sit up, holding yourself up with your hands on the sheets. Luxio, startled, leaps back as you frantically search the room. The merchant is nowhere to be found.

You shake your head but then see his bag resting by the wall. Your breath hitches as you try to stand up, feeling pain soar through your side. Your eyes start to water from the pain, but you push yourself to your feet.

You spot a light (f/c) kimono, pants, and shorts nearly folded next to your mirror. You clutch your side and realize that you are in your Survey Corps uniform.

'Well, if I'm to stay here for two days, might as well get comfy.' You struggle to take your uniform off and put on the new clothes.

When you do, you stumble to the front door as your team makes way for you. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair falls out of the Survey Corps style as you walk through your quarters. You hold onto the wooden counter for balance and then you reach the door.

Pushing open the door, you stand in the doorway, clutching your side and placing your other hand on the door frame to hold yourself up. You peer at the shops, searching for Volo.

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