Chapter 24: Moonview Arena

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As soon as you reach the top of the cliff, the sky starts crying. You hop off Sneasler's back as the water begins to soak your clothes. You shake your arms, hoping to unstick your sleeves. But with no luck, you huff and continue walking towards some ruins-like area.

You walk up shirt stone steps that lead to the Celestica Ruins. Taking slow steps, you take in your surroundings. The ruins consist of two statues, both of which are familiar to you. You stop in front of the four-legged statue.

"This...looks familiar, but I can't figure out where I've seen it before," You say, circling the statue and examining it.

Sneasler cries out at another wall, ready to climb. You check the other statue, the two-legged one, before meeting Sneasler at the next cliff. You climb on her back and she begins scaling the wall.

She scales the wall to the top to get to the Sacred Plaza. An Alpha Luxray awaits you at the top. Its vibrant red eyes land on you and it scurried over, ready to fight. It lunges at you and uses Thunder.

You scramble off Sneasler and release her before jumping out of the Luxray's attack range. You send out Typhlosion and manage to deplete the Alpha's health in order to have a higher chance at catching.

You throw a Great Ball, hoping to succeed in catching the Alpha Luxray. The Poké Ball hits Luxray in the face and absorbs it. You hold your breath, waiting for the Poké Ball to make a 'click' sound indicating that you caught the Pokémon.

The ball wobbles for a few seconds before ultimately clicking. A smile crosses your face as you return your partner. You step up to the ball and crouch down, grabbing it.

"Welcome to the team," You say to it, genuinely meaning the kindness that flows through your voice.

Almost as if the alpha was responding, the ball wiggles in your palm and you giggle before placing it on your belt. You frown as you realize you have too many Pokémon to hold onto, meaning you have to replace one of your partners.

You close your eyes and grab your now former Luxray's ball, "I'm sorry to do this, but you deserve the rest that comes with it," You apologize to your normal Luxray.

The ball tilts down in your palm, Luxray's sadness showing through. "You'll be alright, and I will too. Don't you worry anymore,"

You call Wyrdeer and instruct if to take your former Luxray to Professor Laventon. You know the Professor will keep the Pokémon in your pasture for the time being. After the deer Pokémon leaves, you start for Electrode's seat again.

Before you can get too far, a broken statue catches your eye. Most of it is gone but what remains, you don't know. The remains seem to be...legs? Your examined it closer but heard another loud noise.

Snapping your head up toward the sky, another strike of electricity flows into the clouds from Electrode's seat. The rain pelts on your hair, making it stick to your forehead and cheeks. The rush of electricity moves through the air thanks to the rain.

You huff as you storm off to the Lord's seat, not wasting another minute to quell the Lord. As you come closer, a figure dressed in dark blue greets you.

"Welcome to Moonview Arena- the seat of Lord Electrode!" Melli announces. "I know I've not exactly been supportive of you reaching this place, but a part of me did hope you'd make it."

The rain pours down on both of you, making Melli's hair get drenched and yours stick to your face. You cross your arms while your sleeves stick to your arms.

"As a member of the Diamond Clan, my highest calling is to please almighty Sinnoh. And right now, that means I must protect my lord by stopping you where you stand!" The warden narrows his eyes at your rudely.

"If you still wish to defeat me and gain entry to Electrode's seat, you and your little Pokémon are welcome to give it your best shot!" He scowls.

You point behind him, "Or, I could just go around you..." You state, nonchalantly.

"Ha! You don't have the balms though!" He laughs and your face turns red from embarrassment of forgetting.

You ponder the thought for a moment until another voice is heard behind you, saving you. "Melli's really giving you the runaround, isn't he, (Y/n)?"

Melli's face drops as Adaman steps up beside you, "I guess it's my fault for not telling you in advance what Electrode likes. So here's the-"

"Adamaaan!" Melli grits his teeth.

"What now?" The Diamond leader shakes his head at the annoying warden.

"Are you really going to tell this little girl what she needs to find? Just like that?!"

You point threateningly at Melli, "I'm a woman, not a little girl," You hiss, balling your other hand into a fist.

"Oh really? The way you tag along with that Gingko Guild merchant makes me think you're a child!"

"Leave Volo out of this!"

Adaman stands in between you two, "Hey, stop right now!" He glares at Melli and you with power.

You and Melli shoot venom at each other through your glares. "And no, I wasn't just going to tell her that she needs Crunchy Salt- I was going to give it to her." Adaman grins.

Melli grits his teeth even harder. "Now it's time to make some balms. So lend a hand- both of you!" The Diamond leader commands.

After five minutes, the balms were delicately made for your mission. The rain was slowing down and it was now only a sprinkle.

"There, we've made your precious balms. But don't underestimate my lord's strength! I very much doubt the likes of you can quell it." Melli says, stuffing the basket of balms in your hands.

"Off you go!" He cheers, pushing you into the arena.

He drags you into the arena before leaving it all up to you. You emerge from the short tunnel into the center of the arena. The tree in the corner begins to lightly shake. Small Poké Ball-like Pokémon plummet from the branches.

All of their eyes focus on you before they're all sent flying. A bigger ball shaped Pokémon lands on the ground with a thud. It turns around and rolls so you don't appear to being hanging off the earth like a bat to it.

Sparks fly off Lord Electrode and it begins rolling toward you. A few sparks land on your exposed skin and shock you, making sure you're awake for the battle to come.

Word Count: 1,120

Nothing really to say here about other future stories, but I hope you all have a fantastic ending to this week!

Til Next Time!

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