Chapter 20: New Mission

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When you pop outside of your quarters, an unexpected and unfamiliar-yet kind of familiar-guest greets you.

"Good morning, good lady who came from the sky!" He greets. "Commander Kamado told me to let you know he awaits your arrival in his office."

Once you arrive in the commander's office, Adaman tells the details of his lord in the mountains' frenzy.

"You must go to the Coronet Highlands to quell another frenzied noble-Electrode, Lord of the Hollow." Kamado commands.

"Electrode tends to store up electricity in its body, then unleash it." Adaman informs. "But since Electrode became frenzied, those electrical outbursts have become giant blasts."

"The Pearl Clan will aid in securing you safe passage to Electrode's seat. I've already sent word to Irida
asking-" Kamado is cut off by shouting down the steps.

"N-no! You don't have permission to go up th-"

"Oh, save it! As if I'll be stopped by the likes of you! Now, out of the way!"

You all hear someone grunt as they're shoved to the ground. Then you hear footsteps rising the stairs. A man with long purple hair strides up the stairs, stopping before entering.

"Hey ho, Bossman Kamado! I thought it might've slipped your mind to send me an invite, so I took the liberty of stopping by anyway." He announces.

Adaman scowls, "Melli! Where are your manners? We're having an important conversation!"

"Well, how exactly did you intend to discuss Electrode without me-its mighty warden-here to weigh in?" Melli asks, raising an eyebrow.

"There's no more to discuss. (Y/n) will quell the Lord of the Hollow." Adaman breaks his gaze from Melli to you.

"Do you really think this flimsy little noodle can quell Electrode?" Melli sneers, scowling at you.

You place your hands on your hips, wincing but acting like it didn't bother you, "Hey! I quelled three lords so far. What have you done?"

Melli places a hand over his heart, "Why, I've been looking after my beloved lord. His frenzy makes him quite powerful and I don't need to take that away from him."

Adaman speaks rather loudly to Kamado to stop the conversation, "Commander, I'm sincerely sorry for this heedless interruption!"

"Pay it no mind. It seems even Security Corps personnel I trained myself cannot stop one so capable as Warden Melli." The commander shrugs. "Now, go quell Lord Electrode."

You and Adaman nod before heading to the entryway of Galaxy Hall. Before going outside, Adaman abruptly stops you and Melli.

"Listen, Melli. The Galaxy Team-well, at least, (Y/n)-is amazing, and we'll prove it. Follow me outside." He states before pushing open the door.

Melli grumbles as he walks through the door and you follow after. The Diamond leader stands in the middle of the road with his partner, Leafeon, at his side.

"Melli, make sure you watch closely, now!" Adaman shouts to the warden, who is standing by the General Store.

The warden closes his eyes and lifts his chin, looking away. The clan leader sighs and sends out his Leafeon as well as Eevee. You send in your final evolution of Cyndaquil, Typhlosion, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the battle.

"Use Flame Wheel!" You command your partner.

The move hits and does great damage but not enough to cause the Pokémon to faint. It does end with a burn that injures Leafeon when it uses Leaf Blade. Then Eevee uses Swift, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on your partner.

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