Chapter 33: Exiled

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You jolt up from your futon from the sudden commotion. Gasping for breath, you remove your covers and slip on your shoes before dashing out the door. Coincidentally, you slept in your uniform last night so you didn’t have to change before you left your quarters. Closing the door behind you, you glance up at the newly colored sky. It isn’t its standard blue color, but a mixture of red, purple, and green.

Nearby villagers gawk at the sky as if the moon was falling toward them. Needing an explanation, you run over to Galaxy Hall where Cyllene, Rei, Professor Laventon, and Beni stood. You stop before Rei as he turns to your approaching figure.

“This doesn’t look good, (Y/n)...”

You follow the gaze of everyone else to the space-time rift. There, it looks as if an explosion had happened. The cracks are longer and the portal is wider, causing more red, green, and blue sparks to rush out. The lightning grows stronger around the white portal as well. You glance at the top of the building to find Commander Kamado staring at the cracks with a furrowed brow.

“Let’s head inside,” Cyllene orders, leading the way.

You all follow her inside the building and to her office, but she hastily walks up the stairs. You, Rei, and Laventon stand in Cyllene’s office, piecing together what to do.

“Some sort of dreadful energy seems to be pouring from the rift in space-time…” Laventon ends the silence. “Now the entire sky has gone red!”

“I’ve word from the commander.” Cyllene intervenes with her firm voice. “You’re to report to his office at once, (Y/n).”

With a frown upon everyone’s face, you nod in understanding and move up the stairs toward the commander. Cyllene follows closely behind you until you enter his room. Adaman and Irida watch as you arrive before Kamado gets to business.

“Hrmmm… The way the sky has changed… It is ominous. Very ominous indeed.”

“What’s this about, Commander?” Adaman questions with a bored expression.

“You did call us here to discuss the quelling of all the nobles…didn’t you?” Irida asks second.

“That can wait. There is a more pressing concern here that must be addressed.” Kamado turns around to face everyone with his back facing the side door. “The first strike of that strange lightning, the one that drove Kleavor into a frenzy… It struck the night that (Y/n) fell from the sky, did it not? It only seems natural to think that the two events might be linked in some way.”

His head suddenly snaps toward you and his voice bellows across the room to reach your ears, full of fear and anger. “Who or what are you really, (Y/n)?!”

You flinch from his firm, bellowing voice before responding, “A Survey Corps member?” You say the first thing that comes to mind.

“Indeed, you’ve done all I ordered.” He rubs it off, “But that does not answer the question of who you really are.”

His voice picks up again, “You came from the rift–as did the lightning. You’re connected to these frenzies, are you not?!

“Did you think to gain our trust by quelling the frenzies you yourself brought about?”

You hang your head as he continues, “And having gained our trust, what then? What is it you’re really after here?”

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