Chapter 30: Reunited

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"Open your eyes"

"Get up"

"You're not finished"

Your (e/c) orbs fly open and your breathing quickens. Two arms are wrapped around your abdomen gently, but tight enough not to lose hold of you. The person whose arms are wrapped around you certainly had their back against the wall with you leaning back on their chest. You spin your head around the room. The room looks similar to the room in which you stayed in after you helped free Lilligant. You grunted as you tried to free yourself from the arms.

"Oh! You're awake!" A feminine voice says.

You turn your head, seeing Irida hop over to you. She gave a disapproving look to the one holding you. "Let her go, Adaman."

You look down as the arms belonging to Adaman release your abdomen. You turn your head around to look at the Clan Leader. Your (e/c) eyes meet his warm chocolate brown ones. You can feel your cheeks heating up as he smiles at you're awakened state.

"How are you feeling?" He asks as Irida helps you up.

"Fine, I guess," You reply, brushing yourself off. "What happened?"

Irida clasps her hands together on her stomach, "I don't know since I wasn't there, but I think it had something to do with Braviary,"

"Yeah, it dropped me off the roof of Snowpoint Temple," You point out.

"No, wrong one," Adaman jumps in, standing up as well. "That wasn't Sabi's Braviary,"

"Then which 'Braviary' was it?" You ask in confusion, placing your hands on your hips.

"Not one," Irida says uneasily. "It was one of those baneful fox Pokémon: Zoroark." She shudders.

"It took the form of Braviary, but we don't know why it attacked you." Adaman continues.

"What happened after I fell?" You demand since you blacked out.

"Adaman brought you here, to the Pearl Settlement," The pink leader comments.

That's why this place looks similar to the Diamond Settlement, you realize. So the figure you saw on the ground before blacking out must've been Adaman.

"But-" The blue-clothed leader stops as the door bursts open. Standing in the doorway is Sabi, her eyes wide.

"(Y/n)! You're okay!" She exclaims rushing over to give you a warm hug despite the height difference.

"Yes, I'm okay, I think," You assure her, returning the embrace.

She pulls away, "Someone's here to see you," She places her hands behind her back.

You blink twice, wondering who. You open the door to see a white and grey bird sitting on the ground, its wings folded. You hesitantly point at it, "Is that the actual Braviary?"

Sabi nods and hums in response, "He came to see how you were doing."

"He actually caught you as you were falling," Adaman reports, coming up beside you along with Irida. "He slowed your fall and when he brought you to the ground, I took you here."

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