Chapter 13: The Bandit Trios

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"Have you not heard of the notorious Miss Fortunes? They're a trio of bandits that have even hit us Gingko Guild merchants more than a few times!" Volo explains.

He continues, "Mistress Calaba is doing everything she can to regain the fragment, but it's a bit hard for her to chase leads all over the place at 99 years old."

You glance back at her and frown. "So what do you say, madam?" Volo smiles when he says the last word. "Why not help find the fragment for the warden? I'll be happy to lend you a hand!

"Those sisters swiped my wares, too, and I'm no Gingko Guild merchant if I don't act upon that! And far be it from me to let them get away with vandalizing the ruins of this region!" He states.

Volo then tells you about some remains of a campfire near the base camp. You thank him and head off to find those remains.

Soon, you find them but also have to fend off a Paras nearby. You go over to the ashes of the fire and examine it, wondering how long since it's been extinguished.

You hear a new voice behind you, "Now who might you be? Not some stray traveler, from the look of you."

You turn around and see three young women standing side by side, glaring at you.

"There's only one reason people go poking around out here," The one wearing blue states harshly. "You're after us three, aren't you?!"

"I'm the eldest, and I'll be your unlucky Charm!" The woman in purple exclaims.

"I'm the middle sister, and I'm one Clover you can't pick!" The one from before declares.

"I'm the youngest, Coin, but I'm definitely not your good-luck piece!" The last one announces.

They do their group pose as they shout: "We're the infamous bandit trio, the Miss Fortune sisters—and your luck's just run out!"

You take battle stance as Coin talks about battling you to get rid of you. She sends out Toxicroak as you send out Staravia.

Soon enough, Staravia wins the battle without taking too much damage. You bring it back, thanking it for its hard work.

"Hmph. The Galaxy Team continues to spoil things for me, even after I've left. Take the blasted fragment and go. Just leave us alone!" She slides the fragment across the ground in your direction.

Clover rants, "The weird writing on it made us think the stupid thing was some kinda treasure. But it turned out to be a worthless slab of junk. Tch! All that effort for nothing!"

Charm holds out her arm, signaling her to stop talking. "Tell me—why were you even seeking us out? What set you on this path?"

You remain in battle stance as you speak, "I wanted to help Ursaluna and Warden Calaba."

Charm's eyes grow wide, "Goodness, how selfless of you—to go so far out of your way for the sake of another." She shakes her head. "Not all of us have the luxury of offering such unthinking kindness to strangers."

She then raises her voice, "And I've got a score to settle with the Galaxy Team...which now includes you! Your days are numbered, Galaxy fool." She threatens.

They run off into the wilderness, leaving you with the slab. You wonder if you'll be able to carry it with your wound. You don't want to risk it so you play your Celestica Flute, calling Wyrdeer.

Within moments, you hear the hoofbeats of the Pokémon. Wyrdeer arrives at your side. "I'm going to need you to carry this," You explain to it, pointing to the slab.

It gives you a small nod and leans down as you gently place it on its back. You lead Wyrdeer back to the Ruins while avoiding wild Pokémon.

You walk down the long entrance hall to meet up with Volo. His eyes shine as he sees you with the fragment.

"Good work, very good work indeed, (Y/n)." He praises. "I'll help you put it back in place so you don't have to worsen your wound."

You guide Wyrdeer to the wall and Volo takes his backpack off. He grabs the wall fragment from the Pokémon's back and connects it to the wall, completing the sentences.

Then he pulls his backpack on, bids farewell, and leaves you with Warden Calaba. As soon as his figure vanishes from your sight, you feel empty. You ignore the feeling and turn to Calaba.

"Let me read what this says," She says, looking at the strange lettering. "'All lives touch other lives to create something anew and alive...' I suppose it means people helping each other, like how you helped retrieve the fragment."

"(Y/n), please lend me your strength, so that we may help Ursaluna." Calaba pleads.

"It's true that Ursaluna has become enraged, but he doesn't seem to be in an utter frenzy." She explains. "I think he can return to his normal state if we can just give him some medicine."

The warden manages a small smile, "I can count on you to engage Ursaluna in battle, right?"

"Yep!" You reply, smiling back.

"Ursaluna stays on Sludge Mound; please join me there when you are ready." She states before leaving the ruins.

You climb atop Wyrdeer and direct him to where your Arc Phone is showing: Sludge Mound. He runs at incredible speed through the Mirelands.

As you arrive at the end of the Scarlet Bog, you notice someone looking for help. You ask them what they need and after an explanation of setting up a new camp, you help them.

Once the base camp is finished, Laventon comes along and stands at the camp. You smile and ride Wyrdeer to Sludge Mound which, conveniently, isn't far from camp.

You slide off of Wyrdeer and thank him before he runs off. You meet Calaba in the middle of the circle.

"Ursaluna is enraged, yes, but he must still recall his long relationship with the Pearl Clan. He never fails to show up the moment I play my Celestica Flute." She explains, pulling out her own flute.

She plays the same melody as Mai. Then the ground rumbles as heavy steps dash across the ground. Your
(e/c) eyes dart around the area, looking for the source.

Suddenly, a large dark brown bear Pokémon appears in front of Calaba and you. It stands on its hind legs and roars before standing on all four again.

"Now, show your mettle to Ursaluna!"

Word Count: 1,087

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