Chapter 42: God of Space

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You dismiss your Arc Phone and step forward, a partner's Poké Ball at the ready. You need to catch the creature, not defeat it. Which means you need to be careful. You can't send out Garchomp because he will slash right through for no reason. He knew battles were for defeating the opposing one. He was best for battles against people you need to defeat, not battles against Pokémon which you need to capture.

Instead, you send out your trusted Eeveelution: Sylveon. She would be best for this fight. The sweet Fairy-type leaps from her Poké Ball, her little pink and white ribbons swirling in the air before wrapping around her. You study the Pokémon across from you. You've heard of the name Dialga before. You ransack your brain, remembering what you learned before appearing in Hisui, if you even did. You must have, if you remember the name Dialga.

Yes, that's right. Dialga is a Steel and Dragon type. You hesitantly realize that you picked both the correct and wrong partner for this fight. Either way, you make the first move. You tell Sylveon to use Dazzling Gleam and she follows your command. The blinding light stuns Dialga and strikes it. The Pokémon shakes off any excess and uses Iron Tail. The move smacks Sylveon across the face, pushing her back. The Eeveelution's legs shake but she ultimately shakes her body and regains her composure.

Once more, you shout for another Dazzling Gleam. Sylveon summons a bright pink light, blinding both you and the tall blue Pokémon. Once the light disappears, you open your eyes to see Dialga shaking its head, trying to compose itself. You take this opportunity.

Grabbing an Ultra Ball, you chuck it at the enormous blue legendary. The ball opens and sucks in the Pokémon before landing on the ground. You stand beside Sylveon as one of her ribbons twirls around your arm in a hopeful and comforting manner. The black and yellow ball wiggles a couple of times. You bite your bottom lip, waiting for the click of success.

And it happens.

The ball makes a click sound, indicating that you caught the legendary. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and step forward. Crouching down, you grab the Ultra Ball and Sylveon releases her hold on you before bouncing around happily.

Adaman, Irida, Kamado, Rei, and Laventon all join you on the altar as silence unpredictably fills the air. Everyone's eyes were on you as you turn around.

"She caught it!" Adaman's jaw hangs low, looking directly at Irida.

"The Red Chain has shattered... But we owe the Pokémon of the lakes our thanks for getting us this far." The pink-clothed leader says, making eye contact with the Diamond Clan leader.

"Oh, well done, (Y/n), my girl!" Laventon praises like you're some hero. "Masterfully handled! I was watching the whole time as you battled and caught your way to a simply stunning victory. You truly are the pride of the Survey Corps!"

"Looks like I taught her well," Rei smirks, crossing his arms expressively. You wanted to go over to him and smack him playfully but...

"Wait-it's happening again! I can hear almighty Sinnoh... No! No, it's called Dialga! Mighty Dialga's speaking to me in my mind!" Adaman speaks before his eyes glaze over white. He grips his head, "Space-time is torn... Awful power spills forth... The frenzied one...comes to fight! Now, human! Fight it with me!"

Kamado's eyes become so wide you're sure they are gonna pop out of their sockets, "You're telling me there's ANOTHER one?!" He practically screams. "But the Red Chain's smashed to bits! No way even (Y/n) could tackle another Pokémon as strong as that last one now!"

Right after his words leave his mouth, another black and silver hole appears above everyone on the altar. More vibrant color streaks leave the hole as it expands as large as the one Dialga came through. A white portal appears from within the hole and opens wide like a mouth spitting something out.

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