Chapter 7: Alpha

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"Even your Professor decided to join us," Mai says nonchalantly.

Laventon runs up the stairs, stopping next to you and Mai. "As a Pokémon researcher, I could hardly miss out on a chance to observe an alpha, could I?" He beams

Mai sighs, "As long as you stay out of the way." You all turn around while Mai talks, "This is where I've come to pay tribute to a special Pokémon-a Pokémon descended from one of those ancients blessed by almighty Sinnoh."

A Pokémon suddenly comes out of nowhere, crying out "De-le-le wooooooooooop!" A huge red cricket Pokémon came running into the clearing, zipping around. Its eyes were vibrant red and it was bigger than normal.

Mai shakes her head, "That's not it. That's only a troublemaker, here to disturb the peace with its racket." She turns her head to you. "That's what you're here for, (y/n): to drive that intruder from this place."

You start walking towards it as Laventon talks, "Little wonder alpha Pokémon are feared across the land if they're all oversized like this one!" He says, contemplating the alpha.

"They're not all big though," Mai points out. "They are strong and may know moves that others of their kind do not. Alphas are not to be messed with. However, I believe you are stronger than this one. Go show it your strength and drive it from this place (y/n)!"

You approach the alpha Kricketune ready for battle. Fishing Shinx's Poké Ball out, you fling it at the alpha. You and Shinx can feel the power radiating from Kricketune but hold your ground. Shinx makes the first move: Thunder Shock. The Kricketune shakes the attack off, counterattacking with Aerial Ace.

You can sense Shinx is at half health, "Shinx use bite!" Shinx uses the dark type move, bringing the alphas health past half.

Kricketune uses another Aerial Ace but Shinx dodges. You shout to finish the Pokémon off and Shinx does just that. Shinx swings around to face you as you pump your fist in the air.

You return Shinx to its Poké Ball, "You really are an impressive one, aren't you?" Mai states, strolling over to your side with Laventon behind her. "Seeing someone defeat an alpha like that... It truly reminds me of the legendary hero of old! Please, allow me to tend to your Pokémon after that battle."

After fixing your Pokémon back to full health, you all hear a shriek. Standing atop the tall hill over the clearing is a Pokémon, a deer-like Pokémon. It peers down its snout, gazing over all three of you.

Mai gasps, "It's the great Wyrdeer!"

It prances down the hill and over to you. Its eyes gaze over your form, "He looks upon you with kindness, (y/n)..." Mai quietly says. Then Wrydeer leaves and you are left with a puzzled expression.

Mai interrupts the quietness, "I'd say the great Wyrdeer has taken a liking to you. That is fortunate. He can dash across the expanses of Hisui while bearing a human on his back-a human he deems worthy. He is a blessing to us all."

"A Pokémon letting someone ride on it is truly remarkable! It's just like the Ride Pokémon of Alola!" Laventon declares.

"Professor! I take it things went smoothly?" Rei's voice announces his presence. You all turn to face him. Then his face turns serious, "I'm here on Captain Cyllene's orders. We can set up a base camp here once (y/n) took care of Mai's request."

"Yes! Another base camp!" You exclaim at the same time Laventon says "I know this was a joint decision by Adaman and the commander, but still-is it truly fine for us to set up more base camps like this?"

Mai nods, reassuring him that it was alright. Then she turns around to you, "You have my thanks for what you did today. Our clan leader will hear of how you aided us. I'll reward you as soon as I can!" She says with a smile.

As she walks off, some Construction Corps workers come with supplies needed to set up the new base camp. The sun is beginning to set by the time they finish.

"Well, that's that. How about we head to the Wallflower like usual?" Rei suggests as you all start walking down the path towards the village.


"Beni, old chum, the usual potato mochi, please! Make it three as well!" Beni nods and heads into the shop. After a few minutes, the food is laid on the table freshly made.

After setting the food down, Beni tells you the news."That frenzied Kleavor from the rumors... It ended up mauling some of our Galaxy folks who went out to investigate it this morning."

A worried expression creeps across your face. "Ah. This is the Kleavor that was reportedly struck by powerful lightning, yes? I did hear he's been behaving strangely since then... If further investigation is in order, the Survey Corps will step up to the task.

"A certain amount of danger is unavoidable when researching new Pokémon, but I'm sure (y/n) here can handle things just fine." The Professor beams at you. You send a friendly smile back, hiding the worry of your future mission.

"But that Kleavor's said to be much, much stronger than even an alpha, isn't he?" Rei asks, worried about your safety.

"You forget that the strengths of Pokémon are key items of information that we are bound to research. And since this perilous work of ours calls for a clear head and fighting-fit physique...

"I do believe we should all get a good night's sleep after this fine meal." Laventon declares.

The three of you dig into the food. You eat slower than usual, consumed by your thoughts of the task ahead. Although you're scared, you feel confident in your relationships with your Pokémon. You know that with a relationship this strong, you can complete any task without hesitation.

Beni cleans off the table as you wish Rei and Laventon a good night. Closing the door behind you, you release your team. They speak with one another and stretch their limbs as you prepare for bed.

By the time you're ready for bed, your team is splayed across your home. You smile warmly at your Pokémon and slip under the sheets. You close your eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Word Count: 1,072

Hello. Author here. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for only uploading one chapter this time. I am working on the next chapter but it didn't get finished in time. I do want to keep to my schedule so that's why I am publishing this one today. Again, I am very sorry for only having one posted. I promise to stay on my schedule :)

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