Chapter 36: The Three Lakes Part 2: Lake Valor

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When you arrive at the lake in the Crimson Mirelands, Adaman waits by the giant rock. After knowing which lake to go to next, the clan leader split from the group, not wanting to add any more attention to you. It was an awkward journey to the Mirelands with Volo. He got so upset with your decision of which clan leader that it made you angry.

Stepping in front of the rock, you turn to the silent Volo. You raise a brow, expecting him to have information on Lake Valor. You place a hand on your hip, "Any information about this lake, Volo?"

"He must have! He's a merchant that has a love for Hisui's history," Adaman comments with a smile, not knowing what went down between the two of you.

"Well, it's said to have been formed by a volcanic eruption, much like Lake Verity," Volo informs you with less enthusiasm. "Though there are also other theories that say it was carved out in the midst of a Pokémon battle.

"This lake is protected by the Pokémon Azelf," He continues. "When Azelf took flight, the will to do what needs doing was born in people's hearts...or that is what legend would have us believe."

Your Arc Phone makes a loud beeping sound. You fetch it from your satchel and point the face of the phone at the rock. A large golden glow emits from the white object, causing the ground to rumble beneath your feet. Then a warm white light clouds your vision and when it disappears, a hole is shown in the face of the rock, allowing entrance into the cave.

"A cave appears where there was none-as if just for (Y/n)," Volo says with no emotion. What's with him!? Why is he so emotionless now?

"In we go, (Y/n)!" Adaman says excitedly.

You step into the cave with Adaman in tow. Questions distract you from reality. Why is Volo acting this way? Does he know something but won't tell you? Or is it because of some clan leader that you chose to come on this journey? What's the big deal!?

"Watch out!"

You kept walking before Adaman grabs your arm and tugs you back. You both stumble back before ultimately falling to the ground. Adaman's strong hand is still wrapped around your arm as you both look up the see a terrifying, pointy Pokémon: Overqwil.

"You almost walked right into the qwils!" The clan leader tells you. "Which you do not want to do. My grandfather told me those qwils are venomous."

"Thank you," You say breathlessly.

He stands up and reaches a hand out for you. You take it before reaching for your partner's Poké Ball. You send out your partner of choice and begin the battle. The Overqwil uses Double Edge, inflicting damage to your partner but also damaging itself from the recoil. With an overwhelming amount of experience that your team has, the Pokémon was able to go down suspiciously easily.

"That's my (Y/n)!" Adaman cheers, coming up to stand by your side.

You both feel a change in the air, a mysterious presence. A golden light appears where the Overqwil was until a blue Pokémon emerges from it. Energy emits from its body, radiating to you. You hear the Pokémon's words in your head.

"Show to me unyielding will. Strike me, if you can."

Suddenly, a basket of balms appears between you and Adaman. You jump back in surprise, before understanding and taking one. You throw the balm toward Azelf but it disappears right before the balm strikes it. You blink as Azelf appears to your left. You grab another balm and chuck it at the blue Pokémon. Again, it vanishes right before it's hit.

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