Chapter 29: Winning but Losing

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"Thank you, Volo," You slightly tilt your head with a warm smile.

Volo stayed with you the whole journey back to the temple. There were some awkward silences in between conversations. You mainly talked about your journey so far, and the many friends you've made along the way. Volo patiently listened and gave you his full attention. You enjoyed having his company and hoped it wouldn't be too long before you would see him again.

"Think nothing of it," He fixes his hat as you glance around at the doorway to the building. "I was really enamored with the story of your trip around Hisui,"

Your cheeks burn when a bigger smile slips onto your face. Something churns inside of you like butter when he compliments something that you do.

"Where are you off to?" You ask when he turns to leave.

"I have a customer here in the Icelands that I need to deliver to," The merchant answers.

"Oh no, did I delay the delivery?" You question, immediately feeling guilty about postponing his job.

His chuckle warms your heart. "No no. (Y/n), you didn't have anything to do with me not doing my work."

You place a hand on your chest and exhale, "Ah, ok then. Thank you one last time for staying with me!"

Volo grins and waves before leaving. Watching him get father and father away from you forms a sad frown appearing on your lips. You are now lonely once again. You shake the jitters, nervousness and loneliness away and enter Snowpoint Temple. Knowing which floor to go to, you rush off immediately.

Entering the narrow hallway once again, Sabi waits for you with her three Pokémon beside her. She hops on one foot while communicating with them with a few giggles here and there. Once she sees you, she clears her throat and folds her hands behind her back.

"Are you back for a rematch?" She asks casually.

You nod as an answer. "I'm back with better experience and attacks," You say, hiding the existence of your new teammate. "I am going to meet and ride Braviary,"

"Such confidence and determination," Her rosy cheeks rise with a cheeky smile. "Let's start again, shall we?"

With that, she points to the space between you two, instructing her Pokémon to fill in the space. Rhyperior stands a few feet in front of the tiny warden with Magmortar to its left and Electivire to its right. Rhyperior, being the strongest of the three, steps forward, hoping to intimidate you. You dig out Garchomp's ball from your satchel tied around you stomach. Without hesitation, it pops open and your Pokémon stands up from his crouch position from being in the ball.

He stretches out his fin-like arms with a threatening roar. Garchomp's intense gold-colored eyes land on the three Pokémon in front of him. It towered over Sabi's Rhyperior like a tower due to its alpha size. Swinging his head over his shoulder to look at you, Garchomp speaks to you. His low growl is hard to understand, but you think he's trying to tell you that he's ready to demolish the warden's Pokémon? You question the thought.

But you smirk at the thought of him telling you that. "Alright Garchomp, use Earth Power on Rhyperior, let's go!" You cheer, thrusting your arm out towards the opposing Rhyperior.

Garchomp swings his arms out while the ground trembles beneath the targeted Pokemon. You can see the terror in its eyes as the floor explodes, tossing it back. It makes one last cry before fainting. Your (e/c) eyes widen at the terrifying strength of your alpha Garchomp. Did you really catch this terrifying, vigorous alpha? Yep, you certainly did!

You can see the panicked look on the small Diamond warden's face. "E-Electivire, use Thunder Wave! Magmortar, attack with Flamethrower after!" She commands.

Electivire tries to paralyze your Garchomp, but it doesn't work!

'Hah, electric doesn't work against ground,' You smile to yourself.

Countering, Garchomp whips its tail around, knocking the Electric Pokémon back. Your Pokémon's eyes target Magmortar and bolts toward it with an attack ready. You're ready too.

"Now Garchomp, use Aqua Tail!" You shout, clearly pumped for this battle.

Garchomp spins and critically hits Magmortar with its water-covered tail attack. Magmortar gets thrown across the room, hitting the wall and fainting.

"One more Garchomp, let's go!" You cheer, focused on the Electivire getting up from the ground.

Your partner swivels around and prepares for your next call. You call out the final move: Earth Power. Before Electivire has a chance to comprehend what is coming, the floor explodes, leaving it on the ground with swirly eyes. Before you could praise Garchomp, a manly voice is heard coming up the stairs.

"I wondered why the temple was shaking,"

You twirl around, your (h/c) hair following as well. "A-Adaman! Sorry, that was me." You apologize to the clan leader.

"I bet it was quite the battle. I wish I could've seen it," He smiles, placing a hand on his hip and the other in a pocket.

Garchomp approaches from behind, towering over both you and the Diamond Leader. Adaman slightly jumps from the sudden appearance of him. You blink, registering what the fear in his eyes is from. You swivel back around as Garchomp nudges you with its head.

"T-That's yours!?" He asks unbelievably.

"Yep!" You grin at him with your eyes closed. "He was great in the battle," You give him an oran berry as a treat for doing so well.

"When did you get a Garchomp? Not only a Garchomp, but an alpha!" Adaman questions, still unconvinced.

"I got it when I was out training with Volo," You answer, returning your Pokémon in the process.

"With Volo? What was he doing here?"

"He was going to check out the temple, but found me before he could."

"Where's he now?"

"I don't know. He said he was going to a customer here in the Icelands."

"(Y/n)," Sabi's voice interrupts.

You turn to the warden to find her motioning you to follow her outside. To the roof, you presume.

"Well, I've gotta go meet Braviary," You excuse yourself, taking steps back.

"I'll come too," Adaman says, walking beside you. "I want to see how Braviary will react to your strength."

You smile and the two of you head for the exit that leads to the roof. Inhaling the dusky air, Sabi waits for you with Braviary hovering by her side. Adaman waits by the exit as you approach the warden.

Suddenly, Braviary darts toward you and grabs both of your arms in its talons. Quickly, it lifts you off the ground as you struggle and gasp as panic seeps through you.

"Braviary, what are you doing!?" Adaman shouts at the same time Sabi yells "What are you doing with her!?"

You twist your body, trying to break free of the Pokémon's rock-hard grip. You glance down to see that the Pokémon isn't holding you over the temple anymore. Flailing your legs and grabbing onto the bird's legs, it crosses your mind that it's going to drop you and that you'll fall to your doom.

"HELP!!" You scream, wishing to not die at your age.

Tears spring into your eyes as you watch the ground, waiting for the moment to come. Why was Braviary doing this? Then it happens. Braviary lets go of you.

The cold air whips around you as you fall, your (h/l) (h/c) hair surrounding your face. You scream before turning your head to see how long until your impending doom. Before blacking out, you swore you saw a faint figure below and a ruffle of feathers surround you.

Word Count: 1,294

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