Chapter 41: God of Time

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The battle began with your alpha Luxray taking on Kamado's Braviary. In your opinion, the whole battle was smooth. You defeat Braviary with one Crunch from Luxray, knowing the opposing Pokémon was weak to a Dark-type. Kamado returns his Pokémon while you retract yours, ready to send out another that would do big damage.

He sends out his Golem, the Megaton Pokémon. Ground and rock was its type, so you need water. Your Gastrodon would do the trick. Clutching your partner's Poké Ball, you toss the ball out and in a flash, Gastrodon appears at the ready. Kamado's Golem strikes first with Stealth Rock, an ineffective move against the water and ground type. You raise your hand and with a shout, command the move Hydro Pump. Your partner summons a ton of water in its mouth before blasting Golem with it.

Returning the fainted Pokémon, Kamado grunts in dismay. He sends out his second-to-last Pokémon, Snorlax. You return and replace Gastrodon with your Starapter. Snorlax was a Normal type which meant it was weak to fighting. Good thing Starapter knows one Fighting type move. Your bird Pokémon hovers in the air, waiting to strike. You tell your partner to use Close Combat on the opposing Pokémon. Snorlax takes the hit but still stands. Kamado orders his partner to use Giga Impact, which startles Starapter and it takes a huge hit.

Its wings beat slower as it recovers from the massive blow. You reassure it before commanding another Close Combat, hoping to finish the Normal-type. And it does. With one last hit, Snorlax falls on its back with swirly eyes.

Clearly frustrated, Kamado swears under his breath when he realizes he's only got one Pokémon left. He sends out his final partner, Clefable. Wanting to match, you send out your ace: Garchomp. He appears out of his Poké Ball and lands with a thud on the ground. He lets out a ferocious growl, scaring the poor Clefable. Unphased, Kamado commands his partner to attack, but it does not move.

Showing no mercy, you order Garchomp to get rid of the opposing Pokémon. Garchomp nods understandingly and rips right through the poor Fairy-type, knocking it to the ground with aggression.

Uncertain as to how he lost, Kamado hesitantly returns Clefable to its Poké Ball. Adaman and Irida take place at the foot of the temple, blocking off access to it. Volo steps forward and grabs your hand as Kamado stutters.

He stumbles on his words until he is finally able to speak clearly, "You...truly are a force to be reckoned with..."

Suddenly, he kneels and hunches over with his head touching the ground by his knees. His arms are on either side of his head, holding him up. This act surprises everyone around. "(Y/n)... The fates have decided. I concede... And I apologize sincerely for doubting you and tying you up!" He shouts for all to hear.

Irida shakes her head and softly says, "Commander Kamado..." as if she were sorry for him.

"I know I have no right to ask it of you any longer, but please use that strength of yours for the sake of the Galaxy Expedition Team..." He rambles. "No! For the sake of the Celestica people and all the Pokémon living in Hisui."

"Only if you swear to never do this again," You cross your arms and give him a disapproving look although he couldn't see it.

"I swear!" He immediately replies.

"I'll keep you to that," You smirk.

The commander repels his head from the ground and sits on his legs. You all watch as Kamado stands straight up with his armor clanging from the movement.

"Don't you worry, Commander. We've got the Red Chain!" Adaman jumps in, assuring the commander. In return, Kamado nods before pushing past both Clan Leaders, further toward the temple.

Adaman and Irida follow behind him and you start going after them. Volo catches your hand before you wander too far. He pulls your arm toward him and examines it carefully, worry filling his grey eyes. You stood there, frozen, as he traced a finger along the outside of the wound slowly. The sleeve of your uniform was torn from the attack, exposing the dried bloody wound to the world. Volo retracts his finger and digs around in his backpack, searching for some ointment.

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