Chapter 3: Him

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You wake up, hearing knocks on your front door and Rei's voice telling you to come out. You sit up and stretch before moving out from under the sheets. There's a full-body mirror on the wall next to the futon and you stand in front of it, examining yourself. Your hair is all frizzy and messy, poking out in all directions. You don't have a comb or brush to smooth it out with so you ruffle your hands through your hair, making it look a bit better. After you fix your hair, you walk to the door and open it, seeing Rei.

He smiles at you, "Did you sleep alright last night?" You smile, nodding. "Did you hear the lightning strike during the night?" He asks as you raise a brow.

"There was a lightning strike last night? I thought it was a clear sky." You reply

"There was a clear sky..." Rei looks up at the space-time rift then back at you. "Anyway, we'd better not keep Captain Cyllene waiting. Let's hurry to headquarters." He turns and walks to Galaxy Hall with you in tow. He opens the door for you but you stop before going in. You take a deep breath and walk through the door. Rei closes the door after.

You take a glance around the building from the entryway. Right across the building from the door was Cyllene's office; she is sitting at her desk, reading a paper. Rei turns to you, "Have you ever seen a building this grand before?" He asks you and you shake your head just as shouting comes from a light pink room next to Cyllene's office.

One person was talking about how they got injured by wild Pokémon while the other assures them that the Medical Corps was going to help them. Rei looks at you and explains what could happen to you if you fail your trial. You gulp as he walks to the Captain's office, announcing your presence. She gives you both permission to enter.

Cyllene gets up from behind her desk, passing her Abra and standing in front of you and Rei. She explains your trial, which consists of catching a Bidoof, Starly, and Shinx in the Obsidian Fieldlands. You guess that catching three Pokémon right away is a challenge because Rei makes a deal out of it.

But Cyllene gives a valid reason for why she is making you catch three instead of one, "Did she not catch three different Pokémon only yesterday? This should be simple enough for her." She turns around and picks up a satchel like Rei's from her desk. She hands it to you so you can use it during your trial.

You take it from her hands and tie it around your stomach. Once you have it comfortably wrapped around your stomach, Cyllene starts talking again. "Rei. I expect you to step in if anything goes awry."

You both nod as the Professor walks in from the room left of the office,
"(Y/n), come with me for a moment." You all walk out to the entrance of the building. Laventon greets you both a good morning and explains how you will need your own Pokémon to both pass this trial and survive in Hisui. Suddenly, all three Pokémon that you recovered yesterday are in front of you.

"These three are very precious to me, but I think you deserve to have one of them as your first Pokémon! So which one will it be? Cyndaquil, a fire type; Rowlet, a grass type; Oshawott, a water type." Laventon waits for your decision.

You think about it for a bit before pointing to the fire type, "I'll take Cyndaquil!" You say as it walks up to you.

The Professor brings it back into its Poké Ball then hands it to you. You stuff the Poké Ball into your satchel. The Professor tells you to remember which Poké Balls have Pokémon in them and which don't. Rowlet and Oshawott begin making noises, their cheers for Cyndaquil.

"You two will help me with my research," The Professor assures them. "And here are some Poké Balls for your trial." He hands you mire Poké Balls and you put them away. "You'll clear the trial in no time!"

Rei walks to the door and opens it for you, "Let's be off!"

You wave to the Professor as you walk out the door, Rei closing it behind you both. As you walk to the front gate to the Fieldlands, Rei gives you some helpful tips to pass the trial, if you need any.

"But you know that already because of how easily you caught the three that ran to the beach." Rei says looking down at his feet as you walk.

You place a hand on his shoulder, "Even if I already know how to do something doesn't automatically make me the best at it. I can still learn how to do it in new ways and take advice from others." You smile as he looks up at you, managing a small smile back.

You both reach the gate and meet a Gingko Guild merchant. "Hey Rei. Oh? It seems you've someone else with you." His eyes (or eye) lock with yours. He puts his right hand on his hop and shifts his weight to his right leg, "I'm Volo of the Gingko Guild, the go-to choice for any of your mercantile needs here in Hisui!"

Your lips slightly part as you take his figure in. You're standing a few feet away from him but still notice his height; you only come up to his shoulders! You realize that you've been staring a bit too long and you snap out of it, shaking your head. You smile at the man, "I'm (y/n)."

Rei goes to stand next to him, "She was the one who fell from the sky. And now she's got a Pokémon to take on the trial she needs to pass to get into the Survey Corps!" He informs Volo.

Volo smirks, "Well now, let's have a quick battle to get your blood pumping before your trial! What do you say?"

"Sounds good!" You reply, bringing Cyndaquil's Poké Ball out of your satchel.

Volo shakes a finger gun at you, "I like you better and better!"

You walk away a bit, giving enough space for the Pokémon to battle. Volo smirks as he brings out his Poké Ball and throws it, releasing his Pokémon: Togepi. You grip Cyndaquil's Poké Ball and throw it as well, starting the battle.

Word Count: 1,098

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