Chapter 19: Burn

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"Lina!" Irida calls out, rushing toward the group. "What are you going to do about Growlithe-er, Arcanine?"

"As his warden, it is my duty to protect him." Palina answers before asking you, "(Y/n), what must we do to quell his frenzy?"

"We'll need to make balms!" Irida interjects.

"Balms? What are you talking about?" The Pearl warden asks, tilting her head.

"I'm the leader of our clan! Is it so surprising that I know more of these things than you, Lina?" Irida scoffs.

"I held my tongue the first time, but now I must insist! Stop calling me Lina in front of everyone!" Palina snaps at her leader. "And yes, I'm well aware that you are our leader. How could I forget you were the one chosen?"

"I've learned about these frenzies. There's a method for dealing with them." Irida explains. "We make balms-pouches with a mix of the lord's favorite foods-and throw them from a safe distance."

"That's right. What are Growlithe's favorite foods and where can we find them?" You ask, mainly directed toward Palina and Iscan.

Iscan pipes up, "Well... I do always carry some of Growlithe's favorite foods with me."

"Once again your thoughtfulness saves the day, Iscan! Now we can make those balms right away!" Palina praises the Diamond warden.

Minutes later, the balms are finished and set in a tall, open basket. Iscan asks if you're ready to quell Arcanine's frenzy, but one of your Poké Balls begins to shake.

You hold up your pointer and grab the Poké Ball. Turning around, you throw the ball to the ground, releasing Eevee. As soon as Eevee is free, dust swirls around it as a bright light envelops it.

You gasp as the light diminishes and before you stands a pink, white, and blue Eeveelution: Sylveon. Its ribbons twirl in the air as it happily bounces over to you. You open your arms and it jumps into them. You hug your new partner as you come back to the group.

"I think I'm ready now." You say confidently, setting Sylveon down and returning it to its ball.

After getting wished good luck, you head over to Arcanine. He sits with his back to you but sensing your presence, he stands and menacingly walks through the lava to you, thus beginning the battle.

He roars and charges at you quickly. You merely have time to dodge; the heat is getting to you. The lava bubbles as you near the edge from dodging Arcanine's attacks. Sweat forms on your brow but you continue to chuck balms.

Seizing an opening, you throw in Quilava, hoping Arcanine's attacks will be weak. But, to your dismay, Arcanine uses Rock Slide and lands a critical, making Quilava faint. You bring it back and curse under your breath about only bringing one water Pokémon.

Having had a tough time finding a Water Pokémon in other areas of Hisui, the only one that you could find- that was good-was Gastrodon. You send in the Water and Ground-Type, hoping to stun the lord with Gastrodon's attacks.

You instruct your partner to use Earth Power, knocking Arcanine's defense down. You take this advantage and see the light starting to fade.

But Arcanine acts quickly, charging at you once more. You cover your face as the flames surrounding him hit your hands. At first, you feel nothing so you continue to throw balms.

But when you cause Arcanine to falter and take one more balm, your hand sharply stings. You scream out in pain, dropping the balm and dropping to your knees. Tears begin to fall down your face as the pain grows.

Upon hearing your scream, Palina, Iscan, and Irida run out to you. Palina and Iscan drop to their knees beside you as Irida picks up the balm and throws it at the lord. The light erupts from Arcanine's body and a wind whirls through the air, flailing your (h/c) hair around.

"(Y/n)! What happened?!" Palina asks, examining your palms.

Tears stream down your face, "Covered my face with my hands... Arcanine's flames... Stinging pain!" You choke out through sobs.

Irida and Arcanine stumble over to you, Arcanine's face full of guilt and Irida's of worry. Iscan gently touches your burnt palms but you jerk them away at his touch. Palina and Iscan exchange worried glances as Irida pulls you up.

The two wardens quickly stand up too. "What are you going to do, Irida?" Palina asks as Arcanine stands beside her.

"I have to get her back to Jubilife. I can't stay with her to help but maybe someone in the village can." The Pearl leader says, meeting Palina's eyes.

The lord quietly cries out as Irida takes you away. "I know you didn't mean for it to happen, but thanks to her, you're free from your suffering." Palina remarks, watching you stagger next to Irida.

She clasps her hands together and turns her head to the Diamond warden. "Iscan, help Irida take (Y/n) back to her village. I'm going to spend some time with my little Growlithe-er, my lord Arcanine."


"There you go," Presselle says, finishing her work on her hands. "You can use your hands but not too much. Don't go off and damage them even more by doing some reckless action you Survey Corps members do."

Thanks to Presselle, your burnt palms aren't stinging as much. Both of your palms had ointment put on them and now bandages are wrapped around them. You curl your hands into fists but wince, uncurling them.

"Thank you, Presselle." You say, standing up and walking out the door.

"Anytime." She smiles and waves before a man laying on a cot groans. "Yes sir, I'm working on it." The Medical Corps leader sighs, rushing around the room.

You slightly snicker as you leave, meeting the two men waiting for you in the entryway. You hold up your palms for them to see and they let out a breath.

"You scared us there, (Y/n)." Rei states, placing a hand over his heart.

"Yes, truly." Laventon agrees.

Rei points a thumb toward a window, "Although the sun is almost past the horizon, I think you might want to tell the boss of your discoveries in the coastlands."

You glance to the floor above, "You're right. I'll meet you guys at the Wallflower after, presuming I get a meal after all that's happened." You say, going up two steps at a time.

Upon entering his office, Kamado congratulates you, "You did well on your mission in the Cobalt Coastlands."

"Except for the fact that I burned my hands!" You huff, showing him your bandaged palms.

"Hrmm, yes. Your side is doing fine though." He acknowledges.

You blink, "Oh, yes. It's fine."

He clears his throat, "...I do hope your efforts will also have an impact on the space-time rift, somehow. If we're able to get rid of it, it should clear up any lingering doubts about your origins.

"But I haven't the slightest idea of how to actually close it..." Kamado shakes his head. "But you've earned yourself a meal at the Wallflower. Go." He dismisses.

You exit the room, saunter down the stairs, and head outside. Rei and Laventon perk up when they hear your voice: "Let's eat, shall we?"

Word Count: 1,224

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