Chapter 47: The New Objective

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The Next Day

Cold. That’s what you feel when you wake from your sleep. You grab the covers of your bed and bury yourself in them, trying to get some kind of warmth. It feels as though the warmth in your body was drained and your warm blood replaced with cold blood, like a reptile. Shivering, you open your (e/c) eyes and blink rapidly, slowly taking in your quarters bathed in the sunlight.

Everything seemed the same, except for one thing in the corner. Your clothes were neatly folded and piled up by the shoji doors and this causes your eyes to widen. Sudden memories of last night came flooding into your brain and you quickly sat up, the covers falling from your body, exposing your chest. You yelp, scrambling to bring them back up before wrapping the covers completely around your body. You stretch out your free arm towards the pile, not trying to expose yourself any further.

You scan your quarters briefly. No one seems to be here and that causes you to snatch your clothes faster. You scramble to dress before anyone comes barging into your quarters. You slip on your Survey Corps uniform messily and move into the kitchen/living area. You can feel your hair poking in every direction so you try to tame it. Looking for a hair tie, you find one lying on the countertop and grab it. After a bit of struggling, you manage to put your (h/c) hair in a braid.

Walking to the door, it suddenly opens and wacks you in the face. You groan in pain and stagger back, clutching your forehead. Your (e/c) eyes meet a pair of shocked blue-grey ones standing in the doorway.

“Ah! I’m so sorry, (Y/n)!” Rei exclaims, hands darting out to help you. 

You slap his hands away gently, laughing. “It’s alright. You didn’t know I was there.”

“Still, my bad,” He sighs, crossing his arms. “Anyway, I needed to find you. I looked around the village and couldn’t find you, so I figured I would look inside your quarters.”

You rub your forehead before lowering your hand, “Why were you looking for me?”

“Well, the space-time rift is gone… Do you think this means we can finally be done with this mess?” He asks.

You shrug, unable to produce a valid answer. He nods, “Either way, our official Survey Corps duty begins now. Complete the Pokédex, remember?”

“Yes, how could I forget? Laventon would never let me forget that it’s our job.” You roll your eyes playfully.

“OK well, we’re going to meet in the Survey Corps office to discuss how we’ll tackle the work that’s left,” Rei explains, stepping out of your doorway.

Closing your door, you walk beside him to Galaxy Hall, making small talk along the way. Walking up the steps, Rei grabs the door handle and opens the door for you. Thanking him, you step inside and into Cyllene’s office. The Captain tears her eyes away from the paper in her hand.

“So. I trust you enjoyed yourself at the festival.” She states with a stone-cold expression.

Your face turns several degrees hotter as you recall the festival. That time with Volo was all you wanted when you were helping calm the Noble Pokémon. And you got the time you both dearly wanted.

You shake your head, your cheeks still slightly red. “Yes.”

Cyllene blinks, “That only seems natural, given the crowd.”

“I believe last night was the first time I’ve caught a glimpse of you making merry, Captain!” The Professor says openly, walking up next to you.

The Captain glares at him menacingly, “I believe you must be imagining things. Now, Professor Laventon, to business. What is the current state of progress on the Pokédex?”

“I daresay we’ve made quite significant progress, all in all.” He pauses. “Though we could afford to put a little more effort into our research tasks… And of course it is hard to know how far to go in pursuit of some reports. Certain Pokémon have only been mentioned in Hisui’s legends, after all. Who knows if they’re even real!”

Rei nods, “Yeah, we’re still relatively new to these parts. How are we supposed to know what’s true and what’s not?”

“Pardon! Couldn’t help but overhear!” A voice rang through the room. A voice all too familiar…

You swivel around and see exactly who you thought: Volo. Your breath gets caught in your throat as you two make eye contact and a small smile forms on his lips. Your brain flashes the memories from last night so fast it’s almost blinding. His lips consuming yours and his hands roaming your body. Your clothes being thrown across your quarters as well as his. Your head on his chest as you both fall asleep.

Something brushes against your arm and your head leaps from your chest as you come back to Cyllene’s office. He stands right next to you. You gulp from the intensity of him being right there.

“If it’s Hisuian history and legends you want, then I’m your man! Why, I’ve spent plenty of time studying such things instead of– Ahem. I mean while also tirelessly doing my work for the Ginkgo Guild. And I’ve visited many of the ruins and whatnot here in the Hisui region already! I imagine I could teach you a thing or two about any Pokémon of legend in these parts!” Volo explains excitedly.

“Oho! Music to my ears, my good fellow.” Laventon compliments.

Cyllene stares at you, “Listen well, (Y/n). You are to learn all you can from the merchant Volo and work together as needed. For the sake of the Pokédex. We, meanwhile, will also continue to gather intelligence on Pokémon by other means.”

“Understood!” Volo says with enthusiasm. “Let’s set off for the Heights Camp, then. Shall we?”

Slightly trembling, you nod, unable to form coherent words. The merchant turns around and heads for the front door while you just stand there. You can’t believe this is happening. During your quest before this, you could barely see each other and now you’re working together?! This will either be the best mission or the worst.

Hello! Sorry it took so long, school sucks. Teacher giving out a lot of hw and with finals right around the corner. Geez, it's messy.
But I'll work around it to deliver this story. I have to and I will.
Thanks for your patience!
- Rainy

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