Chapter 32: The Last Quelled

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Dodging ice sprouting from the ground, you continue to throw balms made from Avalugg's favorite foods. Then, more ice bombards you making you stop to focus on dodging accurately. You've already stunned the noble three times and have noticed that the Pokémon's actions are slowed. Avalugg opens his mouth to release a Hyper Beam, but you're faster. One final balm causes the noble Pokémon to stagger and hang its head.

Grabbing one more, you yeet it at the staggering Pokémon. It slams into Avalugg's face and emits a golden light from the creature's body. You look at the massive Pokémon in awe as his standard colors and gentle attitude return. Sliding across the ground toward you, the Icicle Plate waits for you to claim it.

Irida and Gaeric walk behind you as Avalugg disappears. Irida shakes her head at Gaeric gloomy mood, "Gaeric, sir, you needn't look quite so downcast..."

"B-but seeing might Avalugg quelled-and by such a slight girl..." He whispers. "A girl that fell from the sky... Is this (Y/n) girl some kind of monster in disguise?"

You widen your eyes at his words. You went through Snowpoint Temple, losing to Sabi, defeating her, falling off a building, and he still doubts and questions you!? How ignorant!

The pink clan leader glances at you before shaking her head, "She is no monster. She's the one who risked her life without a second thought in order to quell our frenzied, suffering nobles."

'Irida understands.' You smile and walk closer to the two clan members. "(Y/n)... Gaeric cares for the Pearl Clan with all his heart and believes in almighty Sinnoh just as deeply. So he has feared more than any of us that getting involved with the Diamond Clan and your Galaxy Team could cause our people to flag in their devotion to almighty Sinnoh." Irida says rather slowly.

"But that will change," She nods.

"Irida...?" Gaeric questions with a slightly risen voice.

"I know your fears will change once you see what I've seen. (Y/n) has much to teach us. She's shown us how we can overcome all manner of strife, so long as our Pokémon are with us! She's made me want to help Glaceon realize greater strength as well-and to see my whole world grow broader!" She finishes her 'speech.'

The ice blue-haired man smiles at her words, "It seems you've already changed, Irida."

"I knew you could pull that off, (Y/n)." Adaman says, announcing his and Sabi's presence. Sabi does her cute little jump and Adaman looks to the rift. "You quelled every last frenzied noble! So is that space-time rift going to start closing up now or what?"

Irida looks at the other leader, "There's little way of knowing for sure." She states. "Though the rift does seem perhaps a little smaller, somehow."

The blue-clothed man narrows his eyes at the ground while shaking his head, "Let's hope so, anyway.

"Well, with any luck, things will settle down now... Although even if the rift does start spitting out more of that strange lightning, we should still be all right as long as we've got (Y/n)." He tears his eyes away from Irida and over to you.

"Indeed we should be. It's good to have her at our side." Agrees the short blond-haired girl.

Adaman bites the inside of his cheek before turning to face her. "You know something, Irida? We may never agree on who's got it right about almighty Sinnoh, but you Pearl Clan folk aren't all bad in my book."

The Pearl Leader's mouth opens in shock at his words as she turns to face him as well. "Look who's finally seen reason!" She cheerfully smiles.

The blue leader clears his throat and places his hand in his pocket, "Anyway, now that we've quelled the last noble... I say we pay grim old Commander Kamado a visit and see if he'll finally crack a smile for us!"

You nod and call out for Braviary. Moments later, the bird arrives and plants his talons on the snow for you to climb on his back. Having a firm grip, Braviary picks himself off the ground, and you both head for Jubilife Village. Icy wind pushes against your face and plays with your (h/l) (h/c) hair as Braviary picks up speed.

Coming out of the Alabaster Icelands, you and Braviary are minutes away from arriving in the village. You can't help but gape at the speed of the Pokémon before you press your body against his back as Braviary nosedives. Pulling up before hitting the ground, the bird gently lands in front of Galaxy Hall. Sliding off his back, you thank the white and grey Pokémon and make your way into the building.

Making your way to the top floor, Kamado's icy stare pierces through your heart as he congratulates you. "Each of the Pokémon nobles became frenzied...and now each of them has been quelled. We still have no explanation for why this calamity befell us, but I'm glad to see it put to an end." His deep voice lifts to a more calm tone.

"And to think peace would be restored to Hisui by the hand of our mysterious rift-borne helper..." You smile as he commemorates your heroic deeds.

"When tomorrow dawns, it will dawn on a world restored to normalcy. At long last, we will be able to return to our normal lives." Kamado's eyes find yours, "Go nourish yourself at the Wallflower, and allow yourself a good, long rest."

"Gladly!" You reply, dashing down the stairs, hungry for some food.


The sun starts to dip below the horizon when Beni's potato mochi finally arrives on the table. "Thanks for this nice, sizeable helping of potato mochi, Beni, old chum!" Laventon praises.

"Now that Avalugg's quelled, too, we can survey all over Hisui!" Rei exclaims once Beni leaves.

"I certainly had my reservations as to whether Avalugg needed quelling..." The professor states. "But if it means bringing calm to everyone, then I suppose we did the right thing."

"I hate to think what kind of havoc the frenzied nobles could've wreaked if (Y/n) never came to us!" Rei perks. "Still, even with all the nobles quelled, the rift doesn't seem to be closing, huh?"

The boy's eyes widen, "Although, wait-if the rift were to disappear, would that mean (Y/n)'d be stuck here?"

You bite your lip, "Sounds like it,"

"Well, our little team is certainly very practiced at investigating things by now! We'll look into the matter and find a solution-I've no doubt. And if we don't, you'll always have a home here in Jubilife Village, (Y/n)." Professor Laveton smiles warmly.

"Now, let's eat!" You say, grabbing some mochi.

Word Count: 1,138

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