Chapter 31: The Task at Hand

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Your breath hitches in your throat as he stands before you, his hand caressing your cheek.

"Truly, I am glad you're okay," He whispers, staring at your lips.

You move your hands to lift his hat, but he takes your hands and pins them against the wall on either side of you. You look up at your confined hands and pull against his hold but to no avail. You look back at the blond-haired man.

His faces is centimeters away from yours, his lips gently brushing yours. "Do you know how long I've been wanting this?" He licks his lips.

"Do you know how long I have?" You answer quietly, earning a smirk from him.

"I didn't think I could get you when Rei was always around you, and Adaman too." Volo responds, teasing your lips.

"Then claim my lips with yours" You say lustfully.

"As you wish," He says before taking your lips by his own. You close your eyes and lean into the kiss. You've been waiting so long for this.

Volo lets go of your hands and cups your face while yours move to his chest. The merchant grunts as he tries to pry open your mouth to deepen the kiss, and you allow him to. The kiss is deepened as your tongues fight for dominance. You don't seem to give up, and neither does he. All too soon, you lose the competition and his tongue roams your mouth, earning a moan.

He smiles at his charm before backing away, breathless. You both stare at each other's eyes while regaining breath. Volo goes again, reclaiming your lips with his coarse ones that are cracked from the cold. You hum and swing both arms around his neck as he slowly begins to tower over you, for you were starting to slide down the wall.

The door swings open. "(Y/n), girl, here's your-"

Laventon stands in the doorway in shock, your Pokédex in hand. You break the kiss quickly and unravel your arms and push Volo away from you. He stumbles and raises an eyebrow, confused by the violent action.

"Th-Thanks, Laventon!" You say, reaching for the notebook, ignoring Volo's stare.

"What in Hisui happened in here?" He whispers to you, making sure Volo doesn't hear.

"Nothing, Professor," You roll your eyes, pushing him out the door forcefully. You turn around and close the door with Volo still inside. You sigh in relief.

Irida and Adaman were talking to Sabi as Braviary poked the ground with his talons, looking for something interesting to do. Gaeric was gone but Rei was still here. You and Laventon march over to the Survey Corps boy and his mood rises.

"Got it all, Professor?" The boy asks with a smile.

"Sure do, Rei, my boy." Laventon replies, standing next to him. "You're gonna need to catch up, son. (Y/n)'s got so much done and you have so little."

Rei flinches and rubs the back of his head, ashamed. "I'm trying Professor Laventon. Pikachu and I have been growing stronger ever since (Y/n) departed for this area."

"I'm glad to hear it!" You say, resting a hand on his shoulder. "You'll get much stronger the more time you spend together. And, hey, who might even be able to defeat me one day because of your bond with Pikachu." You say teasingly.

Rei waves his hand dismissingly, "Yeah, yeah. We'll get there one day," He says with a grin.

"(Y/n), we need to get going." Sabi intervenes, walking up beside you with Braviary and the two clan leaders.

"Yes, Gaeric is awaiting our arrival at Icepeak Arena." Irida notifies.

"I still need to get the Eternal Ice from atop Avalugg's Legacy!" You blurt suddenly, causing everyone to look at you.

"No need," Sabi smirks with her hands behind her back. "Adaman instructed me to get the Eternal Ice so you and Braviary can just fly on over to the arena."

Your eyes sparkle with delight as you hop over to Braviary. "In that case, to Icepeak Arena we go!" You exclaim, hoisting onto the bird's back and lifting into the sky.

Braviary zips off, leaving Pearl Settlement behind. You glance over your shoulder for a second to watch Volo appear out of the tent. You give a wave and he returns it, leaving you flustered even from his slight action. You gently brush your fingers over your lips, remembering the feeling of his on them.

The icy wind whistles through your (h/l) (h/c) hair as Braviary whips through the air. The last noble Pokémon is about to be quelled. What's going to happen to the space-time rift was Avalugg is? Are you going to be stuck here? Forever?

Braviary nose-dives, earning a gasp from you. He quickly veers up before planting his talons on the ground and you slide off. The bird Pokémon flaps his wings and flies off as Gaeric stands before the arena with his tough face.

"So we are to quell Avalugg, as you wished... In the end, the strength of your feelings won out." He starts. "Or maybe your real strength comes from the way that you walk among both people and Pokémon. Well! I suppose I'd better get to work making some balms using Eternal Ice Sabi got."

Within a few minutes, Gaeric finishes the balms, placing them in a tall basket. "And there you have it! If you truly wish to quell, Avalugg, then walk on. The path lies before you!"

The blue-haired man warns you before you set foot in the arena, "But know that Avalugg will hurl chunks of ice at you without relent! You'll need unrivaled dodging ability!"

"Understood," You respond confidently before stepping into the snow-touched arena.

Standing in the center, a rush of snow covers the area around you. You look around, searching for any movement within the clouds of snow. Taking a couple of steps forward, the ground trembles beneath your feet as you stumble to regain balance. Parts of ice push up from the ground as Avalugg emerges from under the surface.

The towering noble Pokémon shakes off the remaining snow and ice from its back. You gape at its hugeness. The shining gold beast tilts its head before roaring at you, causing to you block your face and fight the wind coming from the tremor.

Word Count: 1,070

Laventon smh
Sorry about a short chapter, but I wanted to get something out for my birthday! I figured I would post this on my birthday as a sort of celebration I guess, idk. And as a surprise :)

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