Chapter 43: Bird Ride with ○Him○

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"Yeesh... That ugly hat suits you as poorly as this important role does. I don't like this at all." Melli glares at the young Pearl warden. "I should be the one consulted for my wisdom!"

"Hisui's ores and stones are her precious resource! Since I was the first to realize that fact, it's only natural that I should be the first consulted!" Lian places his hands on his hips, throwing the words at Melli in a boastful manner.

"If you have a problem with it, perhaps you'd like to take it up with Kleavor in battle? With that bumbling ball of yours?" The young boy targets the older warden coldly.

"Ex-CUSE me?! That "bumbling ball" is more than capable of zapping both you and that ugly bug of yours all the way back to your stupidly oversized tree! Shall we prove it to you now?" Melli counters harshly, not afraid of a fight.

"Melli, give it a rest and play nice with the Pearl Clan folks for once, would you? Bigger things are at stake here!" The Diamond leader scolds.

"But, Adamaaan!" Melli whines like a small child. "Everyone back home is all worked up about the fact that you were spoken to by almighty Sinnoh-or mighty Dialga or whatever. This is the Diamond Clan's day! Be proud!" He announces with pride.

Adaman ignores him and glances at you. His eyes wander between you and Lian a few times before you get what he's meaning. You clear your throat and look at the Pearl warden, "Warden Lian. If you would?"

"Certainly!" He fixes his hat before glancing at everyone except Melli. "Then let us set out at once... We make for the Primeval Grotto!"

Irida and Lian start at once down the hill, walking down the highlands. You call a certain bird Pokémon and notice Adaman continuing to scold Melli for his behavior. Wind whistles in your ears, signaling the arrival of your mount. You hold out a hand for Braviary to stay where he is. He obliges and plants his talons on the ground, folding his feathery wings in neatly while you walk over to the Security Corps residing by the tent.

You exchange pleasant hellos and swap out your Starapter for the legendary you caught earlier. You thank him and walk past the two Diamond Clan members to your patient mount. You place your hand on his feathery chest and look back just as Melli crosses his arms and saunters back to his lord's arena. Adaman shakes his head with disappointment and you feel the sadness radiating off him.

"Adaman," You call gently. He peers in your direction almost immediately after hearing his name. You gesture at Braviary, "Need a ride?"

This seems to lighten him. He walks over and stops in front of you, "That would be great, thanks."

You give him a warm smile and lift your hand off Braviary's chest. The Pokémon stretches his wings and you gently climb on his grey back. You hold out a hand to help the Clan Leader, and he grabs it, hoisting himself up behind you. When both you and Adaman get situated, you rub Braviary's back beneath you softly. The Pokémon's strong wings beat against the ground, gaining altitude by the second.

Once at enough height, the Pokémon waits for your guidance. You direct Braviary in the direction of the Primeval Grotto where you presumed Irida and Lian were waiting. Your hands kept a steady hold on the bird's neck for balance and steering. You glance back at Adaman to make sure he was doing alright. His body was straight, his hands holding onto Braiviary's feathers as his head leaned to the side, watching as the ground goes by.

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