Chapter 35: The Three Lakes Part 1: Lake Verity

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Unbeknownst to you, when you picked the Diamond Clan leader, Volo’s eyes widened.

“Of course you chose me. Who gave you that Celestica Flute in the first place? That’s right–this strapping young man!” Adaman smiles cheekily with acceptance.

You return the smile and turn to stand beside Volo again. When you turned, you could’ve sworn you saw his face flicker from something to his normal calm expression. 

“So, then, the leftover leader will…?” Volo trails off questioningly.

“Leftover? I’m not someone’s scraps!” Irida snaps at the blond. “I will keep watch on the commander. I imagine I’ll hear something useful from him.”

“Of course, of course…” Volo trails off again. You catch Volo staring at Adaman when he trails off. You raise a brow suspiciously.

“And the lucky chosen one comes with us to the lakes. We can fill you in on the details as we go.” The merchant comments without anyone noticing his gritted teeth.

“Well, the first task will be to decide which of the Hisui region’s three lakes to visit first.” The Pearl leader reminds.

“Right–and we’d better get a move on! No time to waste!” Adaman says, returning the stare that Volo is giving him still. He removes his stare by turning to face you at Volo’s side. “I’ll meet you wherever we decide to go. We’d be in hot water if we were seen traveling together.”

Irida turns to face Adaman as he does the same. “I’m counting on you to handle this, Adaman. Don’t cause (Y/n) more trouble.”

He fans her off, “Yes, I know. Now let’s go,” He heads to the entrance, waiting for you and Volo.

You start for the entrance before a hand lands on your shoulder. You twirl your head to see who the hand belongs to. Volo stands there with a darkened look. You raise a brow, confused.

“Why him?” He asks suddenly.

Your eyes widen at his unexpected question. Your twiddle your thumbs together nervously. “What do you mean ‘Why him’?”

“Why not Irida?” The blond asks you.

“I…don’t know. Adaman just seemed like the better one, I guess.” You shrug, beginning to walk away.

“Do you care about him?” Volo whispers, making sure no one overhears.

“What?!” You whip around to face him. “No! Why can’t you see that he just seemed like the better choice?” You almost shout.

“Whatever. You wouldn’t understand.” The Gingko Guild merchant responds, brushing past you.

“How would I not understand?” You question seriously.

“I, um, can’t lose my most valued customer.” He says before visibly hastily walking away.

You huff before calling Wyrdeer. You ride to the entrance and stop beside Volo.

“Let’s go,” You say without looking at him.

He silently climbs Wyrdeer and the both of you set off toward Lake Verity in the Fieldlands.


You help Volo off of Basculegion before making your way over to Adaman, who is standing by the huge rock. Volo stands opposite the blue-clothed man while handing out facts about this lake, but with much less enthusiasm than usual.

“They say this lake actually used to be a volcano. Then it erupted, leaving a huge crater that filled with water. And so Lake Verity was born. It is protected by a Pokémon called Mesprit. It was when Mesprit took flight that people first learned the joys and sorrows of living. Or that’s how the old tales go, anyway.”

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