Quick Note

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I normally don't and won't do this, but I felt it was urgent and that I needed to say something. As you all well know, my uploading schedule is to update every Wednesday.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to upload a new chapter today.

I've seen a few of you comment that I should take my time to watch out for my life outside of Wattpad and that I shouldn't rush these chapters. I started on the next chapter as soon as I uploaded the last one, but it got lost once school started. I haven't been able to work on it since.

With school starting, and me playing a fall sport, I feel like I'm going to have to brush aside my schedule for now, at least until my sport season is done. I don't want to do this, but if I don't then the chapters will be rushed and sloppy with it not making sense to me either.

So I really hope you guys won't mind this little abrupt change. I do not plan on not posting for 2 weeks max! This new change could either result in chapters being published more frequentlu or less frequently, depending on how school and sport season is going.

Again, I'm very sorry for this last-minute change but I felt like it was urgent. Take care of yourselves and others!


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