Chapter 8: The Clans

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"Good morning (y/n)!" Rei calls outside your door. "Kamado wants to see you so get yourself to his office!"

You sit up in bed, stretching. You look around seeing your team still asleep. You quietly get ready for the day before bringing them back into their Poké Balls. You fix your (h/c) hair again before heading outside.

You shuffle over to Rei, nodding when he asks if you slept well. Then you hear someone shout. Both you and Rei turn to look at the Galaxy Hall. A male and female stood before one another, wearing a different symbol on their clothes.

The blue-clothed male shouts, "Look who's being punctual! Finally realized you're wasting almighty Sinnoh's precious time by bowing to a sham?"

The pink-clothed female shouts back, "There you go again, insisting on your false image of almighty Sinnoh as a ruler of time! My people follow the true almighty Sinnoh-the font of all creation and ruler of space!"

The man narrows his eyes at her, "Hah! You could still have all the space there is and still not know what to do with it." He frowns.

The girl gasps and covers her mouth with both her hands. "Excuse me? Are you really suggesting that you make better use of your time than we make of vast Hisui's space?"

He shifts his weight and puts his right hand on his hip while putting the other in a pocket. "Better than some! It's a miracle you showed up on time, oh mighty leader of the Pearl Clan. I was worried you'd get lost in the pointless vast space you're so fond of and never showed up." He shakes his head.

The Pearl leader fans herself, "Me, get lost? In almighty Sinnoh's great gift to the Pearl Clan-in our world's very basis?" She stops fanning herself. "You wish!"

The man turns to Galaxy Hall, "I wish I hadn't let myself get dragged into arguing with you. Almighty Sinnoh forgive me-what a waste of time! I'm off to Commander Kamado's office!"

The girl turns to face the hall as well, still arguing. "I believe it was you who started this!"

They walk into the hall, not speaking another word. Both you and Rei were watching the whole time.

"Just another day with those two, I see." Rei breaks the silence.

"What's their names?" You ask, guessing he would know.

"The man's name is Adaman. He's the leader of the Diamond Clan. They put a lot of importance on time, as you could probably tell. And the girl is Irida, leader of the Pearl Clan. They're all about space-you heard what she called it, right? 'Our world's very basis.'

"Whenever they run into each other, those same arguments flare up. Ah well. Not our problem. But you'll have problems if you don't get yourself to the commander's office, (y/n)!"

Rei walks off as you walk to headquarters. "Why are the clans here?" Thoughts of the two clans flood your mind as you enter the building. You head up to the third floor, arriving in Kamado's office.

You stand in the doorway as Adaman talks to Kamado. "What do you intend to do about that Kleavor, Commander Kamado?! He's may be descended from a warrior of almighty Sinnoh, but look at the mess he's causing. We can't sit back and let him rage on."

Kamado nods, "You do get right to the point, Adaman..."

The Diamond Clan leader agrees. "Time wasted is lost."

Kamado continues, "Well, tell me-what would you have us do? Kleavor is a precious lord of the Pearl Clan, is he not?"

Adaman shakes his head, looking at the floor. "That's my point. My clan can't intervene directly where a lord of the Pearl Clan's concerned. If my people were to do something, our two clans might end up back at each other's throats-just like we used to be.

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