Chapter 22: Quarry

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"An Alpha Golbat blocks the shorter way through the cave so we must go this way," Ingo instructs as you all quickly leave the Alpha Crobat alone when it screeches.

"I should catch more Alphas. They'd make a pretty good addition to my team." You say aloud, looking back at the raging Pokémon.

"Alphas are not to be trifled with. Yes, they would make a great addition to your team, but they are terrifying and powerful when trying to catch." Volo shakes his head, pulling you along behind him and Ingo.

"Ah!" Ingo suddenly stops when the cave stretches into a bigger area with water. He points to the wall, "There are the torches I put in here before. Please excuse me while I set them back up." The warden excuses himself.

You watch as Ingo disappears around the corners, "How do you know about Ingo's memory?" You ask Volo.

"Word spread to the Gingko Guild that someone had appeared out of nowhere," Volo explains, glancing around the cave. "So I wanted to know who they were and where they came from. Later I found out that the Pearl Clan accepted him and so I paid them a visit."

You blink, "Oh,"

"Alright, I've set the torches back up so we can leave the cave and continue for Electrode's seat." Ingo declares, reappearing from the shadows.

"Alright, let's go!" You say, determined.

Appearing in the bright afternoon sun, you scan the vicinity for threatening Pokémon. There weren't many around, only a Heracross and a few Golducks. You and Volo follow after Ingo, who was steering clear of the Pokémon.

You throw a few Poké Balls their way, only succeeding twice. You pass a small pool of water that flows off the edge and encounter an Alpha Mothim. Freeing your hand from Volo's grasp, you send out Luxray, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the battle.

"Luxray, Wild Charge!" You instruct and your Pokémon doesn't hesitate to attack. Electricity surrounds Luxray as it charges at the Alpha and slams into it quickly, knocking it back.

Mothim attacks next with Psychic. Luxray gets hit hard but keeps standing, wanting to finish the battle. Commanding another Wild Charge attack, the Mothim is defeated. You walk to your partner and scratch its head, earning a happy cry from him.

You return it to its ball as Ingo and Volo catch up. "Nice work, (Y/n)!" Volo beams, his hair flowing with the slight breeze.

You place the Poké Ball on your hip and turn around, heading for the entrance to what looks to be an underground cave-like structure with both men in tow. Before you could take a step inside, echoing footsteps are heard.

You take sight of a hat and immediately figure out who it is, purple hair coming into view. You groan as the Diamond warden speaks guiltily to Ingo, "Why'd you put all those torches back that I spent ages tidying away? It was for a noble cause."

"Oh? Making a cave impassable to people who venture inside hardly seems noble to me." Ingo argues, touching the brim of his hat.

Melli places a hand on his hip, "Hmph. Well, this just goes to show that even we wardens don't always see eye to eye. I extinguished those lights for the sake of the Pokémon in that cave who prefer the dark."

His purple eyes narrow at you, "But now that's all gone to waste! If you think I'll just let you saunter ahead to meet Lord Electrode, you're mistaken! The only way to get past me... is to defeat my partner Pokémon!"

Volo and Ingo take a few steps back. You snap your head back to see them standing far enough away for your battle. "Really?!" You ask them, holding your hands out.

Behind you, Melli scoffs while showing his partner, Skuntank. You turn back around and release your East Sea Gastrodon. Its head rocks back and forth as it waits for your command.

You point at your opponent, "Gastrodon, use Earth Power!" The ground beneath Skuntank growls before erupting, hitting the Pokémon's belly. Skuntank flips to its side but gets up, its legs shaking meaning that it took a lot of damage.

"Use Earth Power once more to end this!" You shout, ready to end this battle.

The ground starts to shake once again under Skuntank, "It's guard is down, use Night Slash!" Melli commands with a point, keeping his elbows in.

Melli's partner jumps forward before the ground erupts and slashes Gastrodon, catching it by surprise and landing a critical. Your blue partner wiggles back on its stub-like legs before shaking its head and concentrating again.

"Use Flamethrower,"

"Counter with Water Pulse,"

An explosion of dust covers the battlefield. You and Melli cry out an attack at the same time, not able to see anything that might be happening.  A crash is heard within the puff of dust and when it clears, Gastrodon is seen standing before Skuntank's fainted body.

You return your partner to its ball and walk in front of the shocked Diamond warden. Volo and Ingo return to your side as you place your hands on your hips when Melli heals his partner.

"I win. Let us through to Electrode's seat." You say, determined to get past the bothersome warden.

"Hmph. Neither I nor Skuntank admit defeat just yet. However! I will withdraw to afford Skuntank time to recover. There's no shame in a tactical retreat. It's more of an advance, if you think about it!" Melli sneers. "Keep your guard up— we'll be back!"

He turns on his heels and disappears into the stone cavern. You all sigh and begin your journey up the mountain once more. Passing through the Ancient Quarry, you weave through wild Ursarings, Teddiursas, Luxios, and Luxrays before meeting a Gingko Guild merchant.

"Ah, Eshim," Volo says as Ingo continues up the hill without the two of you. "What are you doing here?" He asks her.

"I'm here to help set up a new base camp but this Bronzor won't move." She gestures to the Pokémon. "It looks like it's looking at something on the other side. But what's over there?"

"I'll check it out." You suggest, wandering to the other side. Straight across, by the wall, you see an injured Bronzor. You touch it to guide it across the water.

After Eshim heals the injured Pokémon, the base camp gets set up. The sun begins to dip below the horizon when Laventon finally shows up. Volo glances up at the sky and sets his backpack on the ground.

"Seems like we should get some rest." The blond suggests.

You look toward the hill Ingo went to, "What about Ingo?"

"He seems to know where he's going. This is his area after all." Volo shrugs.

"...There's only one tent." You point to the small white tent set up.

Volo unfolds a blanket from his backpack and moves his backpack to use as a pillow, "I can sleep on the ground, it's fine."

You frown, taking a step back as he makes himself comfy on the ground. When he finally gets settled, you turn around and crouch down to get in the tent. Before closing the tent, your (e/c) eyes land on the merchant once more.

"Goodnight." You whisper, closing the tent guiltily.

Word Count: 1,225

I have some x reader stories in mind for the Galar region. I am literally just now playing it and it's really good in my opinion. But I will finish this story first before starting those.

Til Next Time!

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