Chapter 39: Ninja

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Adaman's collective smile greets you as you stop in front of him by the Front Gate. He gives you the latest, "Irida's already headed to Mount Coronet. How're things looking here?"

Without warning, Professor Laventon, Rei, and Captain Cyllene approach from behind. Cyllene speaks for you, "The commander is already at Mount Coronet," Everyone walks up beside you.

Adaman's warm brown eyes widen at her words, "He's already started up the mountain?! He must be more reckless than that dignified manner of his lets on. Not that I blame anyone for wanting to avoid wasting time." He adds.

"Well, all right, then! Guess I'm going after him." Adaman turns around and takes a few steps before stopping. "Let me go first, (Y/n)," He says over his shoulder. "If you were to show up with no warning, there'd probably be a fight! Time's a-wasting. See you there!"

The Diamond Clan leader bolts out of the village. You place a hand on your chin, thinking. He said if you show up with no warning. Does that mean he's going to warn the commander that you're coming to stop him?

Cyllene's voice shakes you out of your thoughts about Adaman's words, "Hmph. Who is the reckless one?" She shakes her head with her eyes closed, referring to Adaman sprinting to Mount Coronet to go after the commander.

Behind you, a little girl and her father stand hand-in-hand. "Hey, you got run out of the village, right? But you...still tried to find a way to help us all?"

You separate from the line you four were in. "Yes. I was going to find a way to help you. All of you." You gesture around you.

Rei comes up beside you, standing in front of Laventon. "(Y/n) worked hard to get that Red Chain to help us. To help you."

Professor Laventon pokes his head out from behind Rei, sticking a finger in the air by his head. "Too right-and a fine job she did, too! The Survey Corps is always hard at work for the sake of everyone here in the village-as well as for the sake of our relations with Pokémon!"

The little girl lets go of her father's hand and walks up to you. She wasn't much taller than just above your knees as she sticks her closed fist up for you to take something from her with a big smile on her cute face. "Thanks! Here, take this!"

She opens her palm to reveal a Max Revive. You tell her thanks with a sincere smile before sticking it in your satchel. Then, she sprints away and her father follows her back into the heart of the village.

Captain Cyllene clears her throat before addressing the three of you. "Your orders are three. One: Make for the Summit Camp and, from there, the Temple of Sinnoh. Two: Use the Red Chain to resolve this mess." She paused before raising her voice for the third order, "And three: Return here...alive!"

You and Laventon nod while Rei does some silly thing with his arms. Then, your journey to Mount Coronet and the commander begins.


With your arrival at the Summit Camp in the Highlands, a familiar merchant makes his way over to you. You finish up your conversation with the Professor as a hand lands on your shoulder unexpectedly. You slightly jump from the contact before facing whoever it was. The bright face of the Gingko Guild merchant, Volo, beams at you. You sense that he wants to engulf you in a hug, but with someone around, he wouldn't.

Instead, he places both hands on your shoulders and looks up at the rift that was growing with every passing minute. "It looks like the big moment is upon us at last." He turns his face to yours again, his grey eyes locking with your (e/c) ones. You feel like your knees were going to combust with how much gentleness but worry there was in them. His calm smile straightens you, "But no doubt it'll be fine! After all, you worked so hard to earn that Red Chain."

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