Chapter 49: The Beginning

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A/N: (Y/P) = your Pokémon

“Oh, lost one… It’s miraculous what you’ve done!” Cogita greets you warmly when you and Volo enter her little yet luxurious tent. “It seems the Red Chain served its purpose well. And you carried out your duty, as you were bid.

“But what brings you here? Have you yet need of me?” Her warm face falls a bit.

“We’re looking into a deity called Arceus,” You respond and see Volo awkwardly shift in the corner of your eye.

“Ah, yes. A tale whose origins lie a millennium or two ago…” Cogita places a gloved hand on her chin. “Those were the days of the ancient Sinnoh people, from whom I am descended across many generations. These forbears of mine worshipped Arceus as the Pokémon that created the Hisui region.”

“Anything about things called plates?” You ask curiously, placing your hands on your hips.

“Yes. I’ve heard of certain fragments, or plates, that were given to the ancestors of Pokémon such as Kleavor and Wyrdeer.” Cogita concludes.

“That’s it? Nothing more about Arceus or the plates?” Volo impatiently demands. You glare at him about his rude behavior and his mouth closes fast.

“I’m afraid that’s all. Why, the Diamond and Pearl Clans would never have confused Dialga and Palkia with the creator, Arceus, had anything concrete been passed down.” The white-haired woman says.

“Hmm…” You look at the ground, gears turning.

“If only we had more to go on. The answers to these mysteries may even shed light on why (Y/n) fell from the sky.” Volo speaks up, watching you.

You turn to him, confused; he just smiles. Cogita shakes her head with a smile, “Aha, I see what you intend. Very well–I’ll help as best I can.”

Your (e/c) eyes meet her grey eyes sharply, “There are still other tremendous Pokémon in Hisui–other mysteries to be solved. Whether they are connected to Arceus, I cannot say for certain. But in searching them out, perhaps you’ll stumble upon the path you seek.

“Let me think… There are the Pokémon of the lakes, of course. And the temple giant. The crescent moon, the volcano… And perhaps you might even return to the very beginning…”

You ask Cogita about every Pokémon or location she just told you in as much detail as she knows. She carefully reviews each one and ensures you understand them enough. When she explains them all, you nod in understanding and she wishes you luck and success on your journey.

Exiting Cogita’s luxury tent, you and Volo go over what you already know and how to proceed from there. “If we can gather all the plates from them and decipher the messages on the backs of the plates, perhaps we can meet Arceus itself!” Volo cheers, practically jumping for joy.

“What if we shouldn’t meet Arceus?” You ponder.

Volo’s eyes get dangerous, “What do you mean? I’m sure Arceus wants to meet us as much as we want to meet it. What, do you think something bad will happen if we meet it?”

“Maybe, yeah–” You’re cut off.

“Well, maybe you’re wrong, and everything will be perfectly fine if we do.” The blond merchant raises his voice and menacingly stares down at you.

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