~Chapter 49~

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He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. He coughed lightly and their eyes met for a few short seconds.

"Wilmer. What are you even doing here?" She sounded harsh but sad at the same time.

"What..." His voice sounded weak so he cleared his throat one more time before taking a step forwards. "What are you doing?" He asked softly, too afraid to break down into tears.

"I'm leaving." Demi looked away as if she did not want to make eye contact with him.
"Don't. Please" He pleaded and the pain was very, very clear in his words.

Demi sighed.

"I called a therapist for Luna and... Apparently you're the only one who can help her. She only trusts you, Demi... She needs you"

"You're saying this as if Luna is my freaking daughter. You sometimes forget she's your responsability, don't you?"

As soon as those words came out of her mouth, she kind of regreted it. She loved Luna and of course, she wanted to help her.

She was about to say she was sorry when Wilmer got even closer to her and before she could do anything to stop him, he had her hand in his and their faces were very close. His dark eyes were looking straight into her eyes and she didn't seem to be able to look away this time so she just looked back into his orbs.

"Don't leave, I beg you. Luna needs you... I need you"

Those words sounded familiar in her mind but somehow still seemed different.

"Wilmer I don't think I..." His lips were too close to hers and she felt the need to kiss him yet she fought those feelings away. "I don't think I can do this any longer"

He sighed.

"Please" He whispered one more time.

"Okay... For Luna" She ended up replying and carefully took her hand out of his.

"I love..."

"Shh. Don't say it" Demi cut him off. "Leave, please"

He nodded his head, turned around and left her room.


The next morning, everything seemed a bit weird but she soon got back to real life when she entered her classroom and greeted her students.

"Hello, Luna how's everything?" Demi sat down next to the young girl while the other kids were busy.

Although Luna looked at the woman sitting beside her, not one word was able to leave her mouth.

"I'm always going to be here for you, okay?" Demi whispered and gently placed her hand on Luna's. "I just want you to know that" She noticed a little smile coming to Luna's lips and that warmed her heart.

"I love you Demi" Luna whispered. Demi smiled. "I love you too, darling." Luna smiled, this time with confidence.


She knocked three times on Wilmer's door before he opened.

"Oh, hey Demi" He looked straight into her eyes, once again, showing her how sorry he was. But she looked down for some seconds to recover from his stare. Soon, their eyes locked again before she could say some words to him.

"Can I take Luna for a walk?" She asked. Wilmer looked at his watch, realizing it was 5 PM. "Until 6" He said with a gentle smile.

"Okay" Demi muttered.

Wilmer invited her inside but she rejected his invitation and decided to wait for Luna outside.

"Demi!" Luna ran up to the young woman, melting into her arms. "Hey little one" Demi replied, happily taking her in her arms, carrying her.

"Come on, baby" Demi said before walking away with Luna in her arms while Wilmer's eyes stared at them until they disappeared.

Wilmer walked into his room and sat down on the sofa as his gaze got lost somewhere and so did his mind. He still couldn't believe how much he had actually hurt his girls. He just couldn't stop hating himself for that.

A pair of tears escaped his eyes to gently run down his cheeks, eventually hitting the ground.


"I've missed you" Demi said. Luna giggled and took Demi's heart. "Your dad told me you have a new friend. Laura"

Luna sighed.

"Yes... She talks to me and stuff" The girl muttered.

"Do you trust her?" Demi wanted to know. Luna just shrugged. "Well, I think you can trust her. She seems like a nice woman"

"Really?" Luna asked.

Demi stopped walking and got down to her knees to look into Luna's big eyes.

"Yes, of course honey" Demi sweetly caressed Luna's cheek.

"It's just that..." She sighed, not being able to put her feelings into words. Demi hugged her. "It's okay baby girl, I know how you feel" She whispered in her ear.

"Never let me go, Demi. Please"

Demi's heart broke into pieces as soon as Luna's words came into her mind just by thinking about the fact that she had been about to leave her alone the night before. She would have left her alone in this problem, this maze.

"I won't honey." Demi replied and Luna kissed her cheek before hugging her even tighter.

(Heeey guys. Sorry for not updating but my dog died and I've not been feeling very well, I hope you guys understand. Anyways, your comments and votes mean so much to me so thank you xxox)

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