~Chapter 3~

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The alarm clock sounded louder than ever, causing Demi to jump and then let out a frustrated grunt while she combed her ten fingers through her long brown hair.

“Good morning, Demi” She said to herself as she left her warm bed and made her way towards the cold bathroom.

It was October but actually the weather was like it was November or even December.

She stepped into the shower and let the warm water hit her naked skin. She closed her eyes, enjoying the moment.

Once she realized she had only five minutes left, she jumped out of the shower, put on her clothes; Black jeans, a grey hoodie and black boots.

Drying her hair had never been that quickly like this day.

She brushed her teeth, grabbed the suitcase Stephanie had given to her and left the room.

There was no time left to have breakfast so she ran to her classroom. She opened the door and saw a group of kids there.

It was pretty obvious that they weren´t all the same age… Some of them looked 7, others 6…

She could guess that the youngest must be 5 years old and the oldest must be 11 or 12 years old.

“Hey, guys!” She greeted the children, closing the door behind her back and trying to look as nice as possible.

None of them answered. They just looked at her with curiosity in their big eyes.

“Well… My name is Demi” She started talking while she placed her case on the table. “Who wants to tell me their name?” She asked and a little boy immediately raised his hand.

He was a chubby little boy. His hair was straight and blonde. His eyes were green and he was wearing the most bright smile she had ever seen in her entire life.

“My name is Philip” The boy said. “Hello, Philip” Demi smiled at him and the boy immediately smiled even bigger.

“How old are you, Philip?”

“Seven” He proudly said, making her giggle.

Another little hand was raised then and Demi´s brown eyes met a pair of light blue eyes.

“What´s your name, sweetheart?” She asked the little girl who  had decided to introduce herself. “I´m Bianca” She said, showing her little white teeth.

Bianca was also blonde. Her hair was short and curly. She was thin and looked pretty delicate. Her face was pale.

“I´m six years old” She told Demi. “Nice” Demi smiled.

“I´m Dylan and I´m 12 years old” The oldest of the children said. He looked pretty serious. His hair was black and messy. His eyes were big and brown and seemed to hold a lot of pain. “Hey, Dylan” Demi said, giving him a gentle smile but he didn´t smile back nor did he reply.

“Alright…” Demi looked around the class.

There was a eight year old Judith who was red haired, her big eyes were as green as the grass and her cheeks were covered by freckles.

A boy who was nine years old was named Eric, Lily, 7 years old, Laura, 11 years old, a 10 year old Oskar and finally, her eyes got laid on a tiny little girl who kept staring at a plush bunny that was in front of her, placed on the table.

She walked up to her.

“Hey, baby” She gently said, as she realized it was the same girl she had seen the day before at the canteen.

The girl turned around and Demi saw two big brown eyes looking back at her. Her hair was straight and brown.

“What´s your name?” She asked. The girl stared at her for a few seconds, without saying any word, and then focused her gaze on her bunny once again.

“She´s not going to answer you, Demi” She heard Laura´s voice behind her.

“Why not?”

Laura bit on her lower lip.

“She only talks to her bunny or her father”

“Oh, really?” Demi asked, surprised.

“Yeah” Laura said. Demi sighed and walked away from the little girl.

As there was nothing Demi could use to teach the children some music, she decided to just talk with them so they could get to know her better and perhaps trust her.

The bell rang and caused all the children to rush out of there.

Except Luna, who just stayed on her seat, still looking at her bunny. Demi sighed, not really knowing what to do.

“Luna, why don´t you go outside with your class mates, hm?” Demi asked her, trying to be as sweet as possible.

Luna didn´t answer. She didn´t even look at her.

“Luna?” Demi tried again and, suddenly, the little girl stood up, holding her toy in her tiny hands.

Luna exited the classroom, leaving a very confused Demi behind.

Demi sighed, running her fingers through her hair, and went to sit down on her seat. Once she was sitting, her eyes looked around the classroom and after every single second that passed by, she felt even more awful there.

She needed to do something with this place…

Three knocks could be heard on the door, snapping her out of her thoughts.

“Come in!” She said while standing up. The door opened and Stephanie entered the place.

“Good morning, Demi” She spoke with a smile.

“Good morning, Stephanie” Demi replied. “There is someone who wants to meet you” Stephanie added and looked at the door, which was still open, with an annoyed face.

“I said, there is someone who wants to meet you!” She repeated, this time saying it way louder.

And then a guy who seemed to be a few years older than Demi, entered the place.

He looked very, very tired. He definitely needed to shave. He slowly walked up to the women, not even trying to look gentle or anything. Just praying that this moment ended soon.

“I´m Wilmer Valderrama, your future boss” He said.

Demi noticed how raspy his voice was and, when their eyes met for just a few seconds, she saw the sadness accumulated in his soul.

“I´m Demetria Lovato” She quickly replied, giving him a smile. “I know” Said Wilmer, turned around and left the place.

“Well, that´s my brother. Good luck with dealing with him later” Stephanie said. Demi took a breath. “I´ll see how to deal with him then” She giggled. “And… Where are the other teachers?”

Stephanie laughed.

“I knew you would ask that. You´ll meet them this evening.” Stephanie told her and walked away, calling her brother from behind.

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