~Chapter 76~

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Demi stared at her own reflection in the mirror. The white wedding dress fitted her perfeclty and highlighted her beautiful curves, which she had definitely loved to learn.

"You look beautiful, baby" her mom talked behind her. Demi turned around and smiled at her and her sisters Dallas and Maddie.

"Yes, you really do" Maddie added as she went to hug her older sister. Dallas just stayed there with a sweet smile on her face as she was trying to fight the tears back.

"Gosh I can't believe you're getting married today" Dallas said.

Demi sat down.

"Me neither..." She mumbled before putting her eyes on the three ladies in front of her. "I am doing the right thing, or not?"

Dianna went to sit next to her daughter and made her look into her eyes.

"Listen here baby. Wilmer loves you and you love him. You guys are made for each other, do you understand that?"

Demi nodded her head.

"It's normal to doubt. Marrying is a very serious thing but... Girl, that man is perfect for you" Dallas added, giving Demi a comforting smile.

Demi smiled too and stood up.

"You are right. Wilmer is fucking awesome and I'm madly in love with him. I am gonna marry him and I'll be the happiest woman on earth" She said and glanced once more at the mirror. "And I look amazing" She added, making Maddie, Dallas and Dianna laugh.

Everything was set in place. The garden where they had decided to celebrate the ceremony was perfectly decorated with white ribbons, white roses...

Her family as well as his were already there, chatting and waiting impatientlu for the bride to appear.

Wilmer was nervous and his eyes were glued to were Demi would come out in a matter of minutes.

Luna was next to Wilmer's sister and the twins were with his parents.

The music started to play and Demi came out with her right arm wrapped around Eddie's left arm. A nervous smile appeared on her face as her eyes locked with Wilmer's, whose nervousness had completely disappeared when he saw her.

God, she looked amazing and he found it hard not to cry right there. She was the love of his life and he knew it. He couldn't believe how close he was to being completely happy next to her.

And she was only getting closer and closer. Before he knew it, Eddie had brought her next to him and they were about to become wife and husband.

The warm smile she flashed toward him gave him life.

"I love you" she mouthed to him and he only could reply with a smile because the priest started talking.

"We are all here together this beautiful morning to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony and to share this moment with them as they exchange this vows" He talked while Wilmer and Demi looked into each others eyes.

They took each others hands as the groom started.

"I, Wilmer,
Take you, Demetria,
To be my wife;
To have and to hold,
From this day forward,
For better, for worse,
For richer, for poorer,
In sickness and in health,
To love and to cherish,
I take you, my beautiful Demi,
To be none other than yourself.
I promise to stand by your side;
To encourage you, and be open and honest with you;
To laugh with you, and cry with you;
To always love and honor you;
Both freed and bound by our love,
For as long as we both shall live."

The way he spoke his vows made her tear up. His eyes told her how much he loved her. Demi knew he was nervous, his voice did not shake but his hands did and she found that insanely cute.

Her turn came so she took a deep breath and stared right into his lovely dark eyes.

"I, Demi,
Take you, Wilmer,
To be my husband,
I take you to be my partner for life.
I give you my hand and my heart
as a sanctuary of warmth and peace
And pledge my love, devotion, faith and honor as I join my life to yours.
On this day,
I give you my heart,
My promise,
That I will walk with you,
Hand in hand,
Wherever our journey leads us,
Living, learning, loving,

Some tears fell down his cheeks, he just could not avoid it. Demi smiled at him and caressed the back of his hand with her thumb.

Luna came up to them with the rings with a huge smile on her little face.

Once they had put on the rings, the priest started talking again.

" So by the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife." He announced and everyone stood up to cheer as Wilmer took Demi in his arms and passionately kissed her lips and she kisses him back wrapping her arms around his neck without doubting it.

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